Bryn Bassett Email & Phone Number

Bryn Bassett

Health and well-being at Career Break | Washington, District of Columbia, United States

Bryn Bassett Socials
About Bryn Bassett

Bryn Bassett is currently navigating a transformative chapter in her career as she embraces her role at Career Break, focusing on health and well-being. With a profound understanding of resilience, Bryn draws upon her personal experiences to inspire others facing challenges. Her journey began with an unexpected reactivation of an old knee injury, leading to surgery in March 2023. This experience has not only deepened her empathy but also sharpened her expertise in rehabilitation and recovery processes.

At Career Break, Bryn is actively involved in key projects that promote holistic well-being, emphasizing the importance of mental and physical health during times of adversity. She leverages her skills in research and leadership to develop resources and workshops aimed at empowering individuals to cultivate resilience in their own lives. Utilizing her proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite and WordPress, Bryn creates engaging content that resonates with diverse audiences, helping them navigate their health journeys with optimism and strength.

Bryn's commitment to fostering a supportive community is evident in her collaborative efforts, where she integrates insights from her recovery into actionable strategies for others. Her ability to blend creativity with practical solutions makes her a valuable asset in the health and well-being sector. As she continues to evolve in her role, Bryn remains dedicated to sharing her story and the lessons learned, reinforcing the idea that adversity can indeed be one of life’s greatest teachers.

Bryn Bassett Work
1 experience icon

Health and well-being at Career Break in February 2023 to Present

3 experience icon

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Sustainability Fellow at Agnes Scott College in May 2017 to July 2018

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Bryn Bassett Education

The George Washington University, Master of Fine Arts - MFA, Interior Architecture, February 2025

Agnes Scott College, Bachelor’s Degree, Fine and Studio Arts, 3.988, February 2025

Bryn Bassett Skills




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About Bryn Bassett's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Bryn Bassett

What is Bryn Bassett email address?

Email Bryn Bassett at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bryn Bassett's email found in 2024.

How to contact Bryn Bassett?

To contact Bryn Bassett send an email to [email protected].

What company does Bryn Bassett work for?

Bryn Bassett works for Career Break

What is Bryn Bassett's role at Career Break?

Bryn Bassett is Health and well-being

What is Bryn Bassett's Phone Number?

Bryn Bassett's phone (206) ***-*997

What industry does Bryn Bassett work in?

Bryn Bassett works in the Higher Education industry.

Bryn Bassett Email Addresses

Email Bryn Bassett at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bryn Bassett's email found in 2024.

Bryn Bassett Phone Numbers

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