Bill Schaphorst Email & Phone Number

Bill Schaphorst

Vice President, Business Development at MaintenX International | Matthews, North Carolina, United States

Bill Schaphorst Socials
About Bill Schaphorst

Bill Schaphorst serves as the Vice President of Business Development at MaintenX International, a leading provider of total facility maintenance and repair services. With a commitment to delivering world-class service from curb to roof and coast to coast, Bill plays a pivotal role in driving the company's growth strategy and expanding its market presence. His extensive expertise in energy management, key account management, and building management systems positions him as a valuable asset in the industry, where maintaining operational efficiency and sustainability is paramount.

At MaintenX, Bill is currently spearheading several key projects aimed at enhancing service delivery and client satisfaction. His focus on renewable energy and green building practices not only aligns with the company's commitment to environmental stewardship but also meets the growing demand for sustainable facility solutions. By leveraging his skills in P&L management and budget optimization, Bill ensures that MaintenX remains competitive while providing cost-effective services to its diverse clientele.

Bill's proficiency in Six Sigma methodologies further enhances his ability to streamline operations and improve service quality. His hands-on experience with electricians and alternative energy solutions allows him to lead initiatives that integrate innovative technologies into facility management practices. As he continues to foster relationships with key stakeholders and clients, Bill remains dedicated to the mission of keeping businesses running smoothly, ensuring that MaintenX International is synonymous with reliability and excellence in facility maintenance.

Bill welcomes all invitations to connect, as he believes that collaboration and networking are essential for driving industry advancements and sharing best practices.

Bill Schaphorst Work
1 experience icon

Vice President, Business Development at MaintenX International in March 2013 to Present

2 experience icon

Director of Business Development at MaintenX International in January 2012 to March 2013

3 experience icon

Director, Business Development at Johnson Controls Inc. in January 2006 to January 2012

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Bill Schaphorst Education

Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitan Campus, Masters, January 1989 to January 1993

Iowa State University, Bachelor of Science, January 1979 to January 1984

Bill Schaphorst Skills

New Business Development

Account Management


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Frequently Asked Questions about Bill Schaphorst

What is Bill Schaphorst email address?

Email Bill Schaphorst at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bill Schaphorst's email found in 2025.

What is Bill Schaphorst phone number?

Bill Schaphorst phone number is +1.7048451203 and 5187653280.

How to contact Bill Schaphorst?

To contact Bill Schaphorst send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Bill Schaphorst try calling on +1.7048451203 and 5187653280. (updated on July 14, 2023)

What company does Bill Schaphorst work for?

Bill Schaphorst works for MaintenX International

What is Bill Schaphorst's role at MaintenX International?

Bill Schaphorst is Vice President, Business Development

What industry does Bill Schaphorst work in?

Bill Schaphorst works in the Facilities Services industry.

Bill Schaphorst Email Addresses

Email Bill Schaphorst at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bill Schaphorst's email found in 2025.

Bill Schaphorst Phone Numbers

Bill Schaphorst phone number is +1.7048451203 and 5187653280.
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