Barbara Jackson Email & Phone Number

Barbara Jackson

Director at University of Denver - Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management | Denver, Colorado, United States

Barbara Jackson Socials
About Barbara Jackson

Barbara J. Jackson, Ph.D., DBIA, has been a transformative force at the University of Denver's Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management since her appointment as Director in 2013. With a robust academic background and extensive industry experience, Dr. Jackson has been instrumental in shaping the curriculum to meet the evolving demands of the built environment. Her leadership emphasizes an integrated approach that encompasses the full life cycle of construction projects, from initial planning and design to execution and sustainability.

Under Dr. Jackson's guidance, the Burns School has launched several key initiatives that reflect her commitment to innovation in construction management and real estate. One notable project is the development of a comprehensive curriculum that incorporates Building Information Modeling (BIM) and green building practices, ensuring that students are well-versed in contemporary methodologies and technologies. This focus on sustainability aligns with her expertise in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), preparing graduates to lead in an increasingly eco-conscious industry.

Dr. Jackson's leadership extends beyond the classroom; she actively engages with industry partners to create experiential learning opportunities that bridge theory and practice. Her work in value engineering and contract management equips students with the critical skills needed to navigate complex project landscapes effectively. Additionally, her proficiency in architectural design tools like SketchUp enhances students' ability to visualize and execute their ideas, fostering a new generation of leaders in construction and real estate.

As a thought leader in the field, Dr. Jackson continues to contribute to academic research and industry discussions, positioning the Burns School as a premier institution for aspiring professionals in real estate and construction management. Her dedication to excellence and innovation ensures that students are not only prepared for current challenges but are also equipped to shape the future of the built environment.

Barbara Jackson Work
1 experience icon

Director at University of Denver - Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management in August 2013 to Present

2 experience icon

Professor at Cal Poly State University in August 1998 to July 2013

3 experience icon

Director at Center for Integrated Project Leadership for the Built Environment in August 1998 to July 2013

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Barbara Jackson Education

Colorado State University, BS, MS, PhD

Barbara Jackson Skills

Construction Management


Integrated Project...

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Frequently Asked Questions about Barbara Jackson

What is Barbara J Jackson email address?

Email Barbara J Jackson at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Barbara J Jackson's email found in 2025.

What is Barbara J Jackson phone number?

Barbara J Jackson phone number is +1.3038713432.

How to contact Barbara J Jackson?

To contact Barbara J Jackson send an email at [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Barbara J Jackson try calling on +1.3038713432.

What company does Barbara Jackson work for?

Barbara Jackson works for University of Denver - Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management

What is Barbara Jackson's role at University of Denver - Franklin L. Burns School of Real Estate and Construction Management?

Barbara Jackson is Director

What industry does Barbara Jackson work in?

Barbara Jackson works in the Higher Education industry.

Barbara Jackson Email Addresses

Barbara Jackson Phone Numbers

Barbara J Jackson phone number is +1.3038713432.
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