Bruce Weitz Email & Phone Number

Bruce Weitz

Board Of Directors/Advisor at Various Private Equity Firms and MTN and RFE Investment Partners | Naples, Florida, United States

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About Bruce Weitz

Bruce Lloyd Weitz is a seasoned retail CEO and strategic advisor with a robust track record in corporate operations, strategy development, and sales and profit growth. Currently, he leverages his extensive expertise as a Board Member and Advisor for various private equity firms, including MTN Capital and RFE Investment Partners. In these roles, Bruce provides invaluable insights on acquisition projects and portfolio management, drawing on his experience in M&A advisory and deep understanding of the retail landscape.

His previous tenure as President and CEO of Kings Supermarkets, a prominent player in the New Jersey grocery sector, honed his skills in P&L management, team building, and customer service excellence. Under his leadership, Kings Supermarkets not only enhanced its operational efficiency but also significantly improved its market positioning through strategic partnerships and innovative marketing strategies. Bruce's ability to navigate complex market dynamics and drive sustainable growth has made him a sought-after advisor for private equity firms looking to optimize their retail investments.

As a Board Member of JSI Store Fixtures, Inc., a portfolio company of RFE Investment Partners, Bruce has played a critical role in guiding the company through pivotal growth phases, focusing on product development and market planning. His multifaceted skill set, which includes expertise in food retailing and marketing management, positions him as a key contributor to the success of the firms and companies he advises. Bruce Weitz continues to be a driving force in the retail sector, helping organizations capitalize on emerging opportunities and achieve their strategic objectives.

Bruce Weitz Work
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Board Of Directors/Advisor at Various Private Equity Firms and MTN and RFE Investment Partners in January 2010 to Present

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CEO & President at Balducci's Food Lover's Market in January 2007 to December 2010

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Bruce Weitz Skills

Strategic Planning



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Frequently Asked Questions about Bruce Weitz

What is Bruce Lloyd Weitz email address?

Email Bruce Lloyd Weitz at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Bruce Lloyd Weitz's email found in 2025.

How to contact Bruce Lloyd Weitz?

To contact Bruce Lloyd Weitz send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Bruce Weitz work for?

Bruce Weitz works for Various Private Equity Firms and MTN and RFE Investment Partners

What is Bruce Weitz's role at Various Private Equity Firms and MTN and RFE Investment Partners?

Bruce Weitz is Board Of Directors/Advisor

What is Bruce Weitz's Phone Number?

Bruce Weitz's phone (305) ***-*290

What industry does Bruce Weitz work in?

Bruce Weitz works in the Retail industry.

Bruce Weitz Email Addresses

Bruce Weitz Phone Numbers

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