Austin Hopp Email & Phone Number

Austin Hopp

Data Scientist at Point72 | New York, New York, United States

Austin Hopp Socials
About Austin Hopp

Austin Hopp is a dedicated Data Scientist at Point72, where he plays a pivotal role in the long/short equity portfolio team, with a specialized focus on the healthcare and consumer sectors. Leveraging his expertise in data science and machine learning, Austin employs advanced analytical techniques to sift through alternative datasets, uncovering unique investment opportunities that drive stock performance. His proficiency in programming languages such as Python and SQL, combined with his experience in cloud computing on AWS, allows him to efficiently manage and analyze large volumes of data, ensuring that insights are both timely and actionable.

At Point72, Austin is deeply involved in key projects that explore the intersection of healthcare trends and consumer behavior, utilizing his strong domain knowledge in finance and investing to inform strategic decisions. His analytical acumen is complemented by a solid foundation in research methodologies, enabling him to conduct thorough analyses that support the long/short investment strategy. Austin's ability to translate complex data into clear, actionable insights not only enhances the team's investment thesis but also contributes to a deeper understanding of market dynamics.

In addition to his technical skills, which include proficiency in Java, R, and Matlab, Austin's background in entrepreneurship and accounting provides him with a holistic view of the financial landscape. This diverse skill set allows him to approach problems from multiple angles, fostering innovative solutions that align with Point72's commitment to data-driven investment strategies. As he continues to navigate the evolving landscape of healthcare and consumer markets, Austin remains dedicated to leveraging data science to identify trends and generate alpha for the firm's portfolio.

Austin Hopp Work
1 experience icon

Data Scientist at Point72 in September 2019 to Present

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Consultant at EY in January 2017 to January 2019

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Part-Time Intern at Houlihan Lokey in February 2017 to September 2017

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Austin Hopp Education

Harvard-Westlake High School, January 2009 to January 2012

Columbia University in the City of New York, Master of Science (M.S.), January 2016 to January 2017

Cornell University, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), January 2012 to January 2016

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Austin Hopp Skills




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About Austin Hopp's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Austin Hopp

What is Austin Hopp email address?

Email Austin Hopp at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Austin Hopp's email found in 2025.

How to contact Austin Hopp?

To contact Austin Hopp send an email to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. (updated on January 17, 2024)

What company does Austin Hopp work for?

Austin Hopp works for Point72

What is Austin Hopp's role at Point72?

Austin Hopp is Data Scientist

What is Austin Hopp's Phone Number?

Austin Hopp's phone (212) ***-*393

What industry does Austin Hopp work in?

Austin Hopp works in the Financial Services industry.

Austin Hopp Email Addresses

Email Austin Hopp at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Austin Hopp's email found in 2025.

Austin Hopp Phone Numbers

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