Arye Gross Email & Phone Number

Arye Gross

Actor at Arye Gross | Los Angeles, California, United States

Arye Gross Socials
About Arye Gross

Arye Gross is a versatile actor whose career spans several decades, marked by a rich tapestry of performances in film, television, and theater. Currently, Gross is recognized for his dynamic roles that showcase his exceptional range in both comedy and drama. His ability to seamlessly transition between genres has made him a sought-after talent in the performing arts community. With a strong foundation in theatrical production and dramaturgy, Gross brings a unique perspective to his projects, often infusing his characters with depth and authenticity.

One of Gross's notable contributions to the industry is his work in short films and video productions, where he has demonstrated his knack for storytelling and character development. His expertise in dialects enhances his performances, allowing him to inhabit diverse roles with ease. In addition to his on-screen work, Gross has been actively involved in arts administration, advocating for the importance of the performing arts in society. His commitment to the craft is evident in his participation in various theatrical productions, where he collaborates with emerging artists and contributes to the evolution of contemporary theater.

As an actor, Arye Gross embodies the philosophy that "sometimes you win; sometimes you lose," embracing the challenges and triumphs of the entertainment industry. His journey reflects resilience and passion, making him a respected figure in the arts. With ongoing projects that continue to push creative boundaries, Gross remains a vital force in the world of entertainment, inspiring both audiences and fellow artists alike.

Arye Gross Work
1 experience icon

Actor at Arye Gross in March 1960 to Present

2 experience icon

Actor at South Coast Repertory in January 1978 to Present

3 experience icon

Ensemble Member at The Antaeus Company in January 2003 to Present

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Arye Gross Skills




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Frequently Asked Questions about Arye Gross

What is Arye Gross email address?

Email Arye Gross at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Arye Gross's email found in 2025.

What is Arye Gross phone number?

Arye Gross phone number is +1.3234595237 and 3234404188.

How to contact Arye Gross?

To contact Arye Gross send an email at [email protected] you want to call Arye Gross try calling on +1.3234595237 and 3234404188.

What company does Arye Gross work for?

Arye Gross works for Arye Gross

What is Arye Gross's role at Arye Gross?

Arye Gross is Actor

What industry does Arye Gross work in?

Arye Gross works in the Entertainment industry.

Arye Gross Email Addresses

Email Arye Gross at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Arye Gross's email found in 2025.

Arye Gross Phone Numbers

Arye Gross phone number is +1.3234595237 and 3234404188.
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