Afroz Painter Email & Phone Number

Afroz Painter

President & CEO at Rocket Fuels, LLC | Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Afroz Painter Socials
About Afroz Painter

Afroz Painter serves as the President and CEO of Rocket Fuels, LLC, where he leverages his extensive experience in strategic consulting and business development to drive growth and innovation within the fuel and convenience store sectors. With a robust background in business planning and sales strategy development, Afroz has been instrumental in shaping the company’s vision and operational framework. His leadership is characterized by a commitment to brand development and the successful launch of both new and existing sites for gas stations and convenience stores, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of consumers.

Under Afroz’s guidance, Rocket Fuels has embarked on several key projects that emphasize sustainability and customer engagement, positioning the company as a leader in the industry. His expertise in strategic planning and entrepreneurship has facilitated the identification of lucrative business ventures, allowing Rocket Fuels to expand its footprint in a competitive market. Afroz's previous roles, including his tenure as Chairman of the Atlanta Retailers Association Political Action Committee and as a committee member of the National Alliance of Convenience Stores Legislative Action Committee, have equipped him with a deep understanding of industry regulations and advocacy, further enhancing his ability to navigate complex business landscapes.

Afroz is also known for his exceptional team leadership skills, fostering a collaborative environment that encourages innovation and professional growth among his staff. His commitment to training and development ensures that Rocket Fuels remains at the forefront of industry trends and best practices, solidifying its reputation as a forward-thinking organization. With a strategic focus on new business development and a keen eye for market opportunities, Afroz Painter continues to drive Rocket Fuels, LLC toward a prosperous future.

Afroz Painter Work
1 experience icon

President & CEO at Rocket Fuels, LLC in July 1996 to Present

2 experience icon

Committee Member at Atlanta Retailers Association Board of Advisors in May 2019 to December 2021

3 experience icon

Chairman Committee at Atlanta Retailers Association Political Action Committee (ARAPAC). in November 2009 to September 2020

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Afroz Painter Education

Tibbiya Medical College. Mumbai., Medicine, January 1980 to January 1987

Wilson College, Mumbai. India., HSC (Higher Secondary School Certificate), January 1978 to January 1980

St. Joseph's High School. Umerkhadi, Mumbai., High School, January 1967 to January 1978

Afroz Painter Skills

Business Planning

Marketing Strategy


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Frequently Asked Questions about Afroz Painter

What is Afroz Painter email address?

Email Afroz Painter at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Afroz Painter's email found in 2025.

What is Afroz Painter phone number?

Afroz Painter phone number is 678-612-1154 and 4043874142.

How to contact Afroz Painter?

To contact Afroz Painter send an email at [email protected] you want to call Afroz Painter try calling on 678-612-1154 and 4043874142.

What company does Afroz Painter work for?

Afroz Painter works for Rocket Fuels, LLC

What is Afroz Painter's role at Rocket Fuels, LLC?

Afroz Painter is President & CEO

What industry does Afroz Painter work in?

Afroz Painter works in the Retail industry.

Afroz Painter Email Addresses

Email Afroz Painter at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Afroz Painter's email found in 2025.

Afroz Painter Phone Numbers

Afroz Painter phone number is 678-612-1154 and 4043874142.
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