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UpsideJobs is a Venture Employment Exchange connecting businesses and individuals to work together on a performance basis. We help businesses grow faster and easier with more and higher quality talent than they could through traditional hiring. Individuals are compensated for the true value of their services with performance based pay (e.g. partnership, equity, commission).UpsideJobs.com is a division of Slim Ventures a private equity and consulting firm.UpsideJobs is a Venture Employment Exchange connecting businesses and individuals to work together on a performance basis. We help businesses grow faster and easier with more and higher quality talent than they could through traditional hiring. Individuals are compensated for the true value of their services with performance based pay (e.g. partnership, equity, commission).UpsideJobs.com is a division of Slim Ventures a private equity and consulting firm.
Upsidejobscom Upsidejobscom is the CEO of UpsideJobs.com. To contact Upsidejobscom Upsidejobscom email at [email protected].
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