About University of Oklahoma Outreach

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Higher Education
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1700 Asp Ave., Norman, OK 73072, US
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OU Outreach is a lifelong learning organization dedicated to helping individuals, groups, businesses, and communities transform themselves through knowledge. OU Outreach is made up of more than 20 diverse programs that focus on business and public services, community and social services, as well as education services. Individuals and organizations have relied on OU Outreach to assist in their transformations for more than 50 years.

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Frequently Asked Questions about University of Oklahoma Outreach

Who is the CEO of University of Oklahoma Outreach?

Max Tempesta is the CEO of University of Oklahoma Outreach. To contact Max Tempesta email at [email protected].

Who are the decision makers in University of Oklahoma Outreach?

The decision makers in University of Oklahoma Outreach are Amy Patterson, Carson Kenneth, Jill Burgess, etc. Click to Find University of Oklahoma Outreach decision makers emails.

How can I contact OU Outreach for more information about your programs?

You can reach out to OU Outreach by visiting our website at http://www.outreach.ou.edu and using the contact form provided. Alternatively, you can call our main office at the number listed on the site for direct assistance regarding our programs.

Is there a staff directory available for OU Outreach?

Yes, OU Outreach provides a staff directory on our website. You can find it under the 'About Us' section, where you can view contact information and roles of our team members to assist you with your inquiries.

What types of services does OU Outreach offer?

OU Outreach offers a variety of services including adult education, distance learning, and professional development programs. Our focus is on lifelong learning, catering to individuals, businesses, and communities seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills.

Who can I contact for specific program details?

For specific program details, you can contact the program coordinator listed on the program page of our website. Each program has dedicated staff who can provide in-depth information and answer any questions you may have.

Does OU Outreach support non-traditional students?

Absolutely! OU Outreach is committed to supporting non-traditional students through flexible learning options, including online courses and evening classes. Our programs are designed to accommodate diverse schedules and learning needs.

How can I stay updated on new programs and offerings from OU Outreach?

To stay updated on new programs and offerings, subscribe to our newsletter on the OU Outreach website. You can also follow us on social media platforms for the latest news and updates regarding our educational opportunities.

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