About T20 Digital Transformation Project

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The aim of the Project is to successfully enhance the organisations business processes by introducing improvements through better use of technology. It is the Project's ambition to create an environment and platform from which daily tasks can be managed with simplicity by ensuring that the right skills, knowledge and equipment are implemented to embrace the modern digital era. Amdanom niNod y Prosiect yw gwella prosesau busnes y sefydliad yn llwyddiannus, a hynny trwy gyflwyno gwelliannau trwy ddefnyddio technoleg yn well. Uchelgais y prosiect yw creu amgylchedd a llwyfan sy'n ein galluogi i reoli tasgau dyddiol mewn ffordd syml, trwy sicrhau bod y sgiliau, yr wybodaeth a'r offer iawn ar waith i groesawu'r oes ddigidol fodern.

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