About RJP Consulting Group, LLC

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211 Welsh Pool Rd, Ste 200, Exton, Pennsylvania 19341, US
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For Financial Services, Retail, Hotel & Hospitality, Restaurant, Convenience & Petroleum companies investing in multi-unit building programs in the United States, RJP Consulting Group is the professional outsourced service provider for all phases of construction management. Communicating from the mindset and best interest of the client, RJP’s integrity and experience is evident on every job site and through each effort to take a development program nationwide.

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Frequently Asked Questions about RJP Consulting Group, LLC

Who is the CEO of RJP Consulting Group, LLC?

Joseph Prada is the CEO of RJP Consulting Group, LLC. To contact Joseph Prada email at [email protected].

Who are the decision makers in RJP Consulting Group, LLC?

The decision makers in RJP Consulting Group, LLC are Joseph Prada, Michael Gragilla, etc. Click to Find RJP Consulting Group, LLC decision makers emails.

How can I contact RJP Consulting Group for inquiries about their services?

You can reach RJP Consulting Group by visiting their website at http://www.rjpcg.com and using the 'Contact Us' form. Alternatively, you can call their office directly at the phone number listed on the site for immediate assistance.

What types of industries does RJP Consulting Group support?

RJP Consulting Group specializes in providing services to various industries, including Financial Services, Retail, Hotel & Hospitality, Restaurants, and Convenience & Petroleum sectors, particularly for multi-unit building programs across the United States.

Where can I find a list of the staff or directory at RJP Consulting Group?

A staff directory or list is typically available on the RJP Consulting Group website under the 'About Us' section. This section provides insights into their team and key personnel involved in project management and construction services.

What services does RJP Consulting Group offer for construction management?

RJP Consulting Group offers comprehensive construction management services, including Project Management, Development Management, and Renovation Programs. They also provide expertise in M&A Programs, ensuring effective oversight throughout all phases of construction.

Can I schedule a consultation with RJP Consulting Group?

Yes, you can schedule a consultation with RJP Consulting Group by contacting them through their website or calling their office. They will work with you to understand your needs and set up a meeting at your convenience.

What is the process for engaging RJP Consulting Group for a project?

To engage RJP Consulting Group for a project, start by reaching out via their website or phone. They will discuss your project requirements, provide a proposal, and outline the steps for collaboration, ensuring a tailored approach to your construction management needs.

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