About Porto Sudeste do Brasil

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Rua Félix Lopes Coelho 222, Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro 23826-580, BR
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O Porto Sudeste é um terminal portuário privativo dedicado à movimentação de minério de ferro. Instalado na Ilha da Madeira, em Itaguaí (RJ), sua localização estratégica representa a menor distância entre os produtores de minério de ferro de Minas Gerais e o mar. Pronto para receber embarcações do tipo de Capesize, o empreendimento é dotado de um ramal ferroviário de 2,3 quilômetros, pera ferroviária, dois pátios de estocagem com capacidade para 2,5 milhões de toneladas, além de prédios administrativos e operacionais. Capaz de movimentar até 50 milhões de toneladas de minério de ferro por ano, o Porto Sudeste poderá ter sua capacidade expandida até 100 milhões de toneladas anuais, numa segunda fase.

Porto Sudeste do Brasil Alternatives

logistics & supply chain
logistics & supply chain
logistics & supply chain
logistics & supply chain
logistics & supply chain
logistics & supply chain
logistics & supply chain

Frequently Asked Questions about Porto Sudeste do Brasil

Who is the CEO of Porto Sudeste?

Adriana Sartori is the CEO of Porto Sudeste.

Who are the decision makers in Porto Sudeste?

The decision makers in Porto Sudeste are Adriana Sartori, Everaldo Nascimento Araujo, Fabio Figueiredo De Franca, etc. Click to Find Porto Sudeste decision makers emails.

How can I contact Porto Sudeste for inquiries about their services?

You can reach Porto Sudeste by visiting their official website and using the contact form provided. Alternatively, you can find their phone number and email address in the 'Contact Us' section for direct inquiries regarding services and operations.

Is there a directory of staff members available at Porto Sudeste?

Porto Sudeste does not publicly provide a detailed staff directory. However, you can contact their main office for specific inquiries related to departments or personnel, and they will assist you in reaching the appropriate contact.

What industries does Porto Sudeste support through its services?

Porto Sudeste primarily supports the mining and export industries, focusing on the transportation of iron ore. Their services cater to producers in Minas Gerais, facilitating efficient logistics and export solutions for mineral resources.

What are the operating hours for contacting Porto Sudeste?

Porto Sudeste's customer service operates during standard business hours, typically from 8 AM to 6 PM, Monday to Friday. For urgent matters, you may leave a message outside these hours, and they will respond promptly.

Can I schedule a visit to Porto Sudeste for a business meeting?

Yes, you can schedule a visit to Porto Sudeste for business meetings by contacting their office in advance. It's advisable to provide details about your visit and the purpose to ensure the appropriate staff members are available.

What solutions does Porto Sudeste offer for iron ore exports?

Porto Sudeste offers comprehensive solutions for iron ore exports, including efficient loading and unloading services, storage facilities, and logistics management. Their strategic location minimizes transportation time, enhancing the export process for clients.

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