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Computer Games
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15 Guittard Rd, Burlingame, California 94010, US
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COMPANY: Ordinarily, we would devote this space to telling you all the typical things about our innovative company, our experienced management team, and our inspiring culture. But talk is cheap. So instead, we'll let our work speak for us. At the end of the day, it is the ultimate reflection of who we are and what we value. And through this work, we hope that principles like creativity, quality, and fun are seen as more than empty aspirations. We hope that they are recognized as the defining attributes of all that we do. CULTURE: We believe that a company culture is not defined by a brightly colored office, a nice ping pong table, or a well-stocked kitchen. We believe it is revealed in the number of times each day that we laugh out loud, learn something new, get inspired, look forward to a class reunion, take time for lunch, choose the music, test our limits, get what we need, ship something great, recognize our impact, and wake up excited. If that’s not your current career story, then we’d love to have you join ours. TEAM: PLAYSTUDIOS is the banner flown by a tight-knit crew of entrepreneurs, artists, software developers, product managers, and producers. Although we come from different lands and disciplines, we share a passion for our work and a belief in the opportunity we are pursuing.

PLAYSTUDIOS Alternatives

computer games
computer games
computer games
computer games
computer games
computer games
Computer Games
computer games

Frequently Asked Questions about PLAYSTUDIOS

Who is the CEO of PLAYSTUDIOS?

Andrew Pascal is the CEO of PLAYSTUDIOS. To contact Andrew Pascal email at [email protected] or [email protected]. Or you may call (702) 360-9088

Who are the decision makers in PLAYSTUDIOS?

The decision makers in PLAYSTUDIOS are Andrew Pascal, Evgeny Pirogovsky, Jason Hahn, etc. Click to Find PLAYSTUDIOS decision makers emails.

How can I contact PLAYSTUDIOS for support or inquiries?

You can reach out to PLAYSTUDIOS through the contact form on our website or by emailing our support team at [email protected]. For urgent matters, please call our main office number listed on the site during business hours.

Is there a directory of staff members at PLAYSTUDIOS?

While we do not publicly list all staff members, you can find key team members and their roles on our 'About Us' page. For specific inquiries, please use our contact form to reach the appropriate department.

What industries does PLAYSTUDIOS serve?

PLAYSTUDIOS primarily serves the mobile gaming and social casino industries. Our innovative solutions cater to players looking for engaging and rewarding gaming experiences, blending entertainment with social interaction.

Can I collaborate with PLAYSTUDIOS for a project?

Absolutely! We welcome collaboration opportunities. Please reach out through our contact form or email us directly at [email protected] to discuss potential projects and how we can work together.

What types of games does PLAYSTUDIOS develop?

PLAYSTUDIOS specializes in mobile games, particularly within the social casino genre. Our portfolio includes a variety of engaging games that combine fun gameplay with social features, enhancing the player experience.

Where can I find more information about PLAYSTUDIOS' services?

For detailed information about our services and solutions, visit the 'Services' section on our website. Here, you can explore our offerings and learn how we can help enhance your gaming experience.

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