About PBMares, LLP

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701 Town Center Drive, Suite 900, Newport News, Virginia 23606, US
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PBMares is a Certified Public Accounting and consulting firm focused on serving the audit, tax, accounting, and consulting needs of companies and individuals. Founded in 1963, with 12 offices across Virginia, Maryland, Northern Virginia, and North Carolina, PBMares represents companies ranging from closely-held private businesses to leading non-profits to Fortune 500 multinationals. We have industry practices specializing in construction, financial institutions, government contracting, healthcare, insurance, manufacturing, not-for-profit, real estate, restaurant, retail, state & local government, and technology sectors. Our services include cybersecurity, cloud accounting, wealth management, and transaction advisory services. PBMares is an independent member of the RSM US Alliance and is perennially ranked among the Top 100 accounting firms across the US. Offices: - Baltimore, MD - Fairfax, VA - Fredericksburg, VA - Harrisonburg, VA - Morehead City, NC - New Bern, NC - Newport News, VA - Norfolk, VA - Richmond, VA - Rockville, MD - Warrenton, VA - Williamsburg, VA

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Frequently Asked Questions about PBMares, LLP

Who is the CEO of PBMares, LLP?

Harvey L Johnson is the CEO of PBMares, LLP. To contact Harvey L Johnson email at [email protected] or [email protected]. Or you may call +17576274644, 8043430054 or 8047456656

Who are the decision makers in PBMares, LLP?

The decision makers in PBMares, LLP are Amber Lancaster, Bill Armacost, Bronach Branan, etc. Click to Find PBMares, LLP decision makers emails.

How can I contact PBMares for inquiries about their services?

You can reach PBMares by visiting their website and using the 'Contact Us' page, where you’ll find phone numbers and email addresses for each office. Alternatively, you can call their main office directly for immediate assistance with your inquiries.

Is there a directory of PBMares staff available for contact?

Yes, PBMares provides a staff directory on their website. This directory includes contact information for key personnel across various departments, allowing you to connect with the right expert for your specific needs, whether it's audit, tax, or consulting.

What industries does PBMares serve?

PBMares serves a diverse range of industries including healthcare, government contracting, financial institutions, and not-for-profits. Their expertise allows them to tailor services like tax planning, audit, and consulting to meet the unique needs of each sector.

Can I get assistance with tax planning from PBMares?

Absolutely! PBMares offers comprehensive tax planning and preparation services. Their team of certified professionals can help individuals and businesses navigate complex tax regulations and develop strategies to minimize liabilities and maximize returns.

What types of consulting services does PBMares provide?

PBMares provides a wide range of consulting services, including business advisory, transaction advisory, cybersecurity, and employee benefit plans. Their consultants work closely with clients to identify challenges and implement effective solutions tailored to their needs.

How do I find a specific PBMares office location?

To find a specific PBMares office location, visit their website where you can view a list of all 12 offices across Virginia, Maryland, Northern Virginia, and North Carolina. Each office listing includes address details and contact information for easy access.

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