About Lupe Tortilla Restaurants

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Houston, US
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Passionate about people, products & guests? If so we want to meet you! We are looking for people whose talents include a people-focused management style, a great smile, enthusiasm, urgency, intelligence, attention to detail, and result-oriented. If this describes you, we want to teach skills that allow you to reach your full potential and maximize your earning potential. Our growth plans include 3-5 new locations opening per year in the Houston, Austin, San Antonio & DFW areas.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lupe Tortilla Restaurants

Who is the CEO of Lupe Tortilla Restaurants?

Judson Holt is the CEO of Lupe Tortilla Restaurants. To contact Judson Holt email at [email protected]. Or you may call 2814506707 or (281) 851-2116

Who are the decision makers in Lupe Tortilla Restaurants?

The decision makers in Lupe Tortilla Restaurants are Corby Hicks, Jesus Zenon, Jose Valencia, etc. Click to Find Lupe Tortilla Restaurants decision makers emails.

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