About Informatie Beheer Groep

De Informatie Beheer Groep (IB-Groep) voert als zelfstandig bestuursorgaan in opdracht van de minister van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap (OCW) een aantal onderwijswetten en - regelingen uit. In opdracht van de ministeries van Justitie en VROM ondersteunt de IB-Groep de gemeenten bij de uitvoering van de Wet inburgering.

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Government Administration
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Kempkensberg 2-6, Postbus 30155, Groningen, Groningen 9700 LG, NL
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Government Education Study Finance Student State Exam Diploma Immigrantintegration Zbo Uitvoeringsorganisatie Studie Financiering Student Tegemoetkoming Scholier Examen Staatsexamen Inburgering Diplomawaardering

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hospital & health care
government administration
Government Administration
government administration
government administration
Government Administration
government administration
government administration

Frequently Asked Questions about Informatie Beheer Groep

How can I contact IB-Groep for inquiries related to student financing?

You can reach IB-Groep by visiting their official website and using the contact form provided. Additionally, you may call their customer service hotline for immediate assistance regarding student financing inquiries.

Where can I find the staff directory for IB-Groep?

The staff directory for IB-Groep is typically available on their official website under the 'About Us' or 'Contact' section. This directory includes contact information for various departments and key personnel.

What services does IB-Groep provide for immigrants regarding integration?

IB-Groep offers various services to assist immigrants with integration, including support for language courses and information on the civic integration exam. For specific inquiries, you can contact their integration services department through the website.

How does IB-Groep support students with state exams?

IB-Groep provides guidance and resources for students preparing for state exams. This includes information on exam schedules, registration processes, and study materials. For personalized assistance, reach out via their contact page.

What types of educational laws and regulations does IB-Groep implement?

IB-Groep implements various educational laws and regulations related to student financing, examination processes, and diploma recognition. For detailed information, you can contact them directly or visit their website for comprehensive resources.

How can I get updates on IB-Groep's services and changes in regulations?

To receive updates on IB-Groep's services and regulatory changes, subscribe to their newsletter through the website. You can also follow them on social media for real-time information and announcements.

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