Welcome to the Green Party of Contra Costa County [GPCCC]. GPCCC is a ballot-qualified, non-corporate, political party working toward progressive change. We flatly reject the notion that only the so-called "better off" should have a voice in Government. And because we won't accept "big money" we are free to address the real issues so often ignored by the bigger political parties.
The Green Party was created by and for people who think that our elected representatives should be "folks like us" and not stooges for well-heeled campaign donors. Because, like you, Green Party stands for a government - and a society - that is fair and just, that doesn't treat our world like a trash dump, and where working people can get a fair deal.
Get in touch and check back with us. Because, even though you'll never hear it from the bought-and-paid-for politicans in the big parties, we know we're all in this together.
1-10 employees
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Political Organization
PO Box 2361,El Cerrito,US
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