About E Solutions Corporation

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Information Technology & Services
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400 North Tampa Street Suite 1000,Tampa,FL,US
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E Solutions SSAE 16, SAS 70 Type II Certified, Data Centers: E Solutions Corporation 400 North Tampa Street, Suite 1000 Tampa, Florida 33602 813-301-2600 (Main) 813-301-2620 (Support) 813-301-2630 (Sales) www.esnet.com BANDWIDTH: We feature redundant bandwidth from Tier 1 carriers Level3, XO Communications, Cogent, WOW, and Bright House Networks, running over Cisco Powered Networks. We have direct connections and BGP sessions with our carriers. Our multiple Tier-1 carriers are served to your network in a BGP blend. That means traffic to and from your network goes over the fastest routes available on the Internet. Instead of one option, your traffic now has at least five different paths to choose from. POWER: We have all the power you need delivered from our own private 1 and 2 Megawatt Power substations which feed redundant UPS systems which are in turn backed up by our generators and thousands of gallons of diesel fuel. COOLING: Our data centers feature redundant Liebert air conditioning. SECURITY: Our data centers are located within secure bunkered facilities and feature 24x7x365 Onsite Technical Staff, Security Guards, dozens of digital cameras, restricted facility access, locked cabinets, redundant network and environmental monitoring and controls. OUR SERVICES INCLUDE: Co-location Rack Space Cage Space Dell Server Rental Backups Monitoring

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