About DaXtra Technologies

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11-50 employees View all link out icon
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Computer Software
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Harbour Point, Newhailes Road, Edinburgh, Scotland EH21 6QD, GB
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Daxtra Technologies is a world-leading specialist in high-accuracy, multilingual job and resume parsing, semantic search, matching and recruitment automation. Daxtra offers a competitive edge in finding the best available talent, while keeping the cost-per-hire to a minimum. Our products seamlessly integrate with our clients’ existing systems and processes helping to find relevant information quickly and intuitively, across multiple internal and external databases. With offices spanning the UK, US, Hong Kong, China, Japan and Australia, Daxtra partners with over 1,500 organizations globally. We support the world’s largest staffing companies, best boutique recruitment firms, corporate in-house talent acquisition teams, job boards and software vendors. To find out more, please visit www.daxtra.com or contact us on: ANZ: +61 2 80152864 China: +86 21 8025 1557 Europe: +44 131 564 3260 Japan: +81 3 4588 8486 Asia: +852 3695 5133 USA: +1 804 767 1351

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Frequently Asked Questions about DaXtra Technologies

Who is the CEO of DaXtra Technologies?

Sergei M is the CEO of DaXtra Technologies. To contact Sergei M email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].

Who are the decision makers in DaXtra Technologies?

The decision makers in DaXtra Technologies are Bj Blumenthal, Colleen Barraclough, Gordon Duff, etc. Click to Find DaXtra Technologies decision makers emails.

How can I contact DaXtra Technologies for support or inquiries?

You can reach DaXtra Technologies through their official website's contact page, where you can fill out a form or find direct email addresses and phone numbers for specific departments. They also offer support through their customer service channels for immediate assistance.

Is there a staff directory available for DaXtra Technologies?

DaXtra Technologies does not publicly provide a staff directory. However, you can find key personnel and their roles on the company’s website, typically under the 'About Us' or 'Team' sections, which highlight leadership and department heads.

What industries does DaXtra Technologies serve?

DaXtra Technologies serves a wide range of industries including recruitment, staffing, healthcare, finance, and technology. Their solutions are designed to enhance talent acquisition processes across various sectors, ensuring high accuracy in candidate sourcing and matching.

What services does DaXtra Technologies offer for recruitment automation?

DaXtra Technologies offers a suite of recruitment automation services, including CV parsing, semantic search, and job matching. These tools streamline the hiring process, reduce time-to-hire, and improve the quality of candidate selection through advanced technology.

How does DaXtra's resume parsing technology work?

DaXtra's resume parsing technology utilizes advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) to extract relevant information from resumes and CVs. This data is then structured and made searchable, allowing recruiters to quickly identify qualified candidates based on specific criteria.

Can I schedule a demo of DaXtra's solutions?

Yes, you can schedule a demo of DaXtra's solutions by visiting their website and filling out the demo request form. A representative will contact you to arrange a suitable time to showcase how their technology can enhance your recruitment processes.

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