About Cook Inlet Region, Inc.

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Financial Services
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725 E Fireweed Ln, 800, Anchorage, Alaska 99503, US
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CIRI is an Alaska Native corporation. It is one of 12 Alaska-based regional corporations established by the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act of 1971 to benefit Alaska Natives who had ties to the Cook Inlet region. The Company is owned by more than 8,500 shareholders of Athabascan and Southeast Indian, Inupiat, Yup'ik, Alutiiq/Sugpiaq and Aleut/Unangax descent. CIRI’s financial strength and expertise spans diverse business sectors across Alaska and throughout the nation. CIRI’s continued growth lies in its ability to seize opportunities and forge alliances with strategic partners to generate growth and deliver sustainable economic returns jobs. The primary business sectors in which CIRI invests include: • Real Estate • Government Services • Oilfield Services • Land and Natural Resources • Energy and Infrastructure • Investment Securities • Private Equity and Venture Funds CIRI also created a family of nonprofit service organizations that provide needed health care, housing, employment, education and other social and cultural enrichment services for Alaska Natives and others.

Cook Inlet Region, Inc. Alternatives

information technology & services
investment management
investment management
investment management
Investment Management
investment management
Investment Management

Frequently Asked Questions about Cook Inlet Region, Inc.

Who is the CEO of Cook Inlet Region, Inc.?

Swami is the CEO of Cook Inlet Region, Inc.. To contact Swami email at [email protected] or [email protected]. Or you may call 1 (703)577-9951

Who are the decision makers in Cook Inlet Region, Inc.?

The decision makers in Cook Inlet Region, Inc. are Andrew Romerdahl, Greg Razo, Lori Nelson, etc. Click to Find Cook Inlet Region, Inc. decision makers emails.

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