About Center for Infectious Disease Research

The Center for Infectious Disease Research (formerly Seattle Biomedical Research Institute) was founded in 1976 by Dr. Ken Stuart and grew to become the largest independent research laboratory in the nation focused on infectious diseases. Its 250+ scientists and support staff focus the science on the three areas of infectious disease research that will have the most impact on global health: vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics.

On October 1, 2018, the Center for Infectious Disease Research joined forces with Seattle Children’s to form the largest pediatric infectious disease research program in the US.

For more information about current research projects, visit https://www.seattlechildrens.org/research/centers-programs/global-infectious-disease-research/

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307 Westlake Avenue North, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98109-5219, US
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Systems Biology, Drug Discovery, Hiv/Aids, Vaccines, Malaria, Tuberculosis, Immunology, Diseases Under Study At Seattle Biomed Include Emerging & Neglected Diseases

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