About Bacterin International, Inc.

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600 Cruiser Lane, Belgrade, MT 59714, US
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Bacterin (NYSE Amex: BONE) develops, manufactures and markets biologics products to domestic and international markets. Bacterin's proprietary methods optimize the growth factors in human allografts to create the ideal stem cell scaffold to promote bone, subchondral repair and dermal growth. These products are used in a variety of applications including enhancing fusion in spine surgery, relief of back pain, promotion of bone growth in foot and ankle surgery, promotion of cranial healing following neurosurgery and subchondral repair in knee and other joint surgeries. For more information, please visit http://www.bacterin.com.

Bacterin International, Inc. Alternatives

medical device
medical device

Frequently Asked Questions about Bacterin International, Inc.

Who is the CEO of Bacterin International, Inc.?

Guy Cook is the CEO of Bacterin International, Inc.. Or you may call +1.4063880480

Who are the decision makers in Bacterin International, Inc.?

The decision makers in Bacterin International, Inc. are Bob Rafferty, Darrel Holmes, Guy Cook, etc. Click to Find Bacterin International, Inc. decision makers emails.

How can I contact Bacterin International for inquiries about their products?

You can reach out to Bacterin International by visiting their official website and using the 'Contact Us' form. Alternatively, you can call their customer service line listed on the site for immediate assistance regarding their biologics products.

Is there a staff directory available for Bacterin International?

Bacterin International does not publicly provide a detailed staff directory. However, you can contact their main office for inquiries about specific departments or personnel related to your needs in biologics and medical devices.

What industries does Bacterin International support with its biologics products?

Bacterin International primarily supports the orthopedic, spine, and dental industries with its biologics products. Their advanced medical solutions are designed to promote healing and tissue regeneration in these specialized fields.

What types of services does Bacterin offer related to allografts?

Bacterin offers a range of services including the development and manufacturing of clinically effective allografts. Their proprietary methods optimize growth factors to enhance bone and tissue repair, ensuring high-quality biologics for medical use.

How can I find more information about Bacterin's product offerings?

For detailed information about Bacterin's product offerings, you can explore their website, where they provide comprehensive descriptions of their biologics products, including applications, benefits, and the science behind their innovations.

What is the best way to inquire about partnerships or collaborations with Bacterin?

To inquire about potential partnerships or collaborations with Bacterin, please use the contact form on their website or reach out directly via the provided phone number. Their business development team will assist you with your inquiry.

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