About The Art Newspaper

Unique in its conception and scope, The Art Newspaper publishes around 100 pages of news, analysis, profiles, reviews and comment about the art world every month and online daily.

It covers everything from antiquities to contemporary art, people, events and market trends. You can count on it to bring you the most important stories from around the globe and put them in their wider context.

Special reports each month preview major events or focus on key cities. You will be able to plan your visits to forthcoming exhibitions and discover the story behind the shows. Our international readership is made up of leading art world professionals and trendsetters, including artists, museum directors and trustees, collectors, curators, gallerists, auctioneers and those with a professional as well as personal interest in the global art market.

The Art Newspaper has a circulation of 23,000 copies and readership of more than 50,000.

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17 Hanover Square, London, England W1S1BN, GB
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Culture, Conservation, Arts, News, Museums, Art Market, Heritage

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Frequently Asked Questions about The Art Newspaper

Who is the CEO of The Art Newspaper?

Inna Bazhenova is the CEO of The Art Newspaper. To contact Inna Bazhenova email at [email protected].

Who are the decision makers in The Art Newspaper?

The decision makers in The Art Newspaper are Caitlin Miller, Emily Palmer, Inna Bazhenova, etc. Click to Find The Art Newspaper decision makers emails.

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