About Odyssey Technologies

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Computer & Network Security
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5th Floor, Dowlath Towers, 63, Taylors Road, Kilpauk, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600010, IN
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Odyssey Technologies, a Software Company located in South India is a pioneer in Information Security in the Asia-Pacific region. With strong competencies in Cryptography and Internetworking and a long history of software innovation, Odyssey offers services and solutions that bring authentication, privacy, and exclusive user control over digital resources for the omnipresent world of the Internet. The Company serves over 500 customers in India and neighboring countries, including large Banks, financial institutions, Government establishments and Certifying Authorities Reach out to us at [email protected]

Odyssey Technologies Alternatives

computer & network security
computer & network security
computer & network security
Computer & Network Security
computer & network security
computer & network security
computer & network security
computer & network security

Frequently Asked Questions about Odyssey Technologies

Who is the CEO of Odyssey Technologies?

John Webster is the CEO of Odyssey Technologies. To contact John Webster email at [email protected]. Or you may call +1.2404634116

Who are the decision makers in Odyssey Technologies?

The decision makers in Odyssey Technologies are Antony Raja, Isaac Mugabi, John Webster, etc. Click to Find Odyssey Technologies decision makers emails.

How can I contact Odyssey Technologies for support or inquiries?

You can reach out to Odyssey Technologies by visiting their website and using the contact form provided. Alternatively, you can email their support team directly at [email protected] or call their office at +91-XXXX-XXXXXX during business hours.

Is there a directory of staff members available at Odyssey Technologies?

Yes, Odyssey Technologies provides a staff directory on their website. You can find information about key personnel, including their roles and contact details, to help you connect with the right department for your needs.

What industries does Odyssey Technologies serve?

Odyssey Technologies serves a diverse range of industries, including finance, healthcare, government, and telecommunications. Their expertise in information security and identity management solutions is tailored to meet the unique needs of each sector.

What services does Odyssey Technologies offer related to information security?

Odyssey Technologies offers a variety of information security services, including identity management, authentication, tokenization, and public key infrastructure solutions. These services are designed to protect sensitive data and ensure secure transactions across various platforms.

Can I request a demo of Odyssey Technologies' solutions?

Yes, you can request a demo of Odyssey Technologies' solutions by filling out the inquiry form on their website. A representative will contact you to schedule a demonstration tailored to your specific needs and interests.

How does Odyssey Technologies ensure the security of its solutions?

Odyssey Technologies employs advanced cryptography and robust security protocols in all their solutions. Their commitment to continuous innovation and adherence to industry standards ensures that their products effectively safeguard sensitive information against emerging threats.

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