Kenneth R Email & Phone Number

Kenneth R

Records Manager/ Office Services Manager at SNR Denton | Houston, Texas, United States

Kenneth R Socials
About Kenneth R

Kenneth R R has been a pivotal member of the SNR Denton team since October 14, 2013, serving as both Records Manager and Office Services Manager. In this dual role, Kenneth has harnessed his extensive administrative expertise to streamline office operations and enhance the overall efficiency of the firm. His passion for assisting others is evident in his commitment to fostering a collaborative and productive work environment. Kenneth's proficiency in strategic planning and leadership has enabled him to oversee key projects that optimize records management processes, ensuring compliance with legal standards while safeguarding sensitive information.

Kenneth's technical skills, particularly in PowerPoint and Photoshop, allow him to create compelling presentations and visually engaging materials that support the firm's objectives. His background in legal assistance and legal writing further enriches his contributions, as he adeptly navigates the complexities of legal documentation and research. Kenneth excels in supervising and mentoring staff, leveraging his supervisory skills to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement and professional development within the office.

One of Kenneth's notable projects involved the implementation of a new digital records management system, which significantly reduced retrieval times and improved document security. His innovative approach to problem-solving has not only resolved employer challenges but has also positioned SNR Denton as a leader in administrative efficiency within the legal sector. With a versatile skill set and a dedication to excellence, Kenneth R R continues to make a lasting impact at SNR Denton, driving success through effective office management and support.

Kenneth R Work
1 experience icon

Records Manager/ Office Services Manager at SNR Denton in October 2013 to Present

2 experience icon

Manager at Duane Morris LLP in August 2008 to September 2013

3 experience icon

Office Services at Andrews Kurth LLP in February 2005 to August 2008

Kenneth R Education

University of Colorado Boulder, February 1979 to February 1980

Abrhama Lincoln High School, February 1972 to February 1978

Kenneth R Skills

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office


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About Kenneth R's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Kenneth R

What is Kenneth R R email address?

Email Kenneth R R at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Kenneth R R's email found in 2025.

How to contact Kenneth R R?

To contact Kenneth R R send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. (updated on September 05, 2024)

What company does Kenneth R work for?

Kenneth R works for SNR Denton

What is Kenneth R's role at SNR Denton?

Kenneth R is Records Manager/ Office Services Manager

What is Kenneth R's Phone Number?

Kenneth R's phone (214) ***-*192

What industry does Kenneth R work in?

Kenneth R works in the Law Practice industry.

Kenneth R Email Addresses

Kenneth R Phone Numbers

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