Jenny Scordamaglia Email & Phone Number

Jenny Scordamaglia

Owner & TV Host at Miami TV | Miami Beach, Florida, United States

Jenny Scordamaglia Socials
About Jenny Scordamaglia

Jenny Scordamaglia is a dynamic force in the media landscape, currently serving as the Owner and TV Host of Miami TV, a cutting-edge platform specializing in live entertainment broadcasts across various channels, including IPTV, STB, mobile, and cable. With a rich background that spans multiple countries, including her upbringing in the vibrant city of Tacuarembo, Uruguay, Jenny brings a unique perspective to her role. Her passion for storytelling and creative direction is evident in the innovative content she curates, which resonates with diverse audiences in Miami, Madrid, Cali, and Mexico.

At Miami TV, Jenny is at the forefront of key projects that push the boundaries of traditional broadcasting. She leverages her expertise in advertising, public relations, and media relations to create engaging programming that captivates viewers. Her entrepreneurial spirit drives her to explore new avenues for content strategy and online advertising, ensuring that Miami TV remains a leader in the competitive entertainment industry.

Jenny's commitment to excellence is reflected in her ability to craft compelling press releases and publicity campaigns that elevate the station's profile. Her skills in creative direction and content strategy enable her to develop shows that not only entertain but also inform and inspire. As she continues to expand Miami TV's reach and influence, Jenny Scordamaglia remains a pivotal figure in shaping the future of media, blending her passion for entertainment with her deep understanding of audience engagement.

Jenny Scordamaglia Work
1 experience icon

Owner & TV Host at Miami TV in September 2008 to Present

Jenny Scordamaglia Skills


Social Media


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About Jenny Scordamaglia's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Jenny Scordamaglia

What is Jenny Scordamaglia email address?

Email Jenny Scordamaglia at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jenny Scordamaglia's email found in 2025.

How to contact Jenny Scordamaglia?

To contact Jenny Scordamaglia send an email at [email protected].

What company does Jenny Scordamaglia work for?

Jenny Scordamaglia works for Miami TV

What is Jenny Scordamaglia's role at Miami TV?

Jenny Scordamaglia is Owner & TV Host

What is Jenny Scordamaglia's Phone Number?

Jenny Scordamaglia's phone (305) ***-*157

What industry does Jenny Scordamaglia work in?

Jenny Scordamaglia works in the Media Production industry.

Jenny Scordamaglia Email Addresses

Email Jenny Scordamaglia at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Jenny Scordamaglia's email found in 2025.

Jenny Scordamaglia Phone Numbers

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