Francois Jean Email & Phone Number

Francois Jean

Chief Executive Officer at PRESTIGE PACKAGING INDUSTRIES | Paris, Île-de-France, France

Francois Jean Socials
About Francois Jean

Francois Xavier Jean currently serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Prestige Packaging Industries, where he leverages his extensive experience in marketing, public relations, and commercial operations to drive the company’s strategic vision. With a strong background in supply chain management and continuous improvement, Francois has been instrumental in establishing a new supply chain center from the ground up, enhancing operational efficiency and responsiveness to market demands. His leadership has been pivotal in restructuring the organization to better align with industry trends, ensuring that Prestige Packaging remains at the forefront of luxury packaging solutions.

Under his guidance, the company has embarked on several key projects aimed at optimizing procurement processes and developing strategic sourcing initiatives. By fostering relationships with new suppliers, Francois has successfully strengthened the company’s materials management capabilities, enabling Prestige Packaging to deliver high-quality products that meet the evolving needs of its B2B clients. His expertise in inventory management and global sourcing has not only improved cost efficiencies but has also enhanced the overall customer experience.

Francois’s commitment to excellence is reflected in his strategic approach to business development and his ability to navigate complex challenges in the printing and manufacturing sectors. His vision for continuous improvement and innovation is driving the company towards sustainable growth, positioning Prestige Packaging Industries as a leader in the luxury packaging market. With a focus on quality and customer satisfaction, Francois Xavier Jean is dedicated to elevating the brand's reputation and expanding its global footprint.

Francois Jean Work
1 experience icon


2 experience icon

Chief Executive Officer at PRESTIGE PACKAGING INDUSTRIES in January 2009 to Present

Francois Jean Skills



Product Development

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About Francois Jean's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Francois Jean

What is Francois Xavier Jean email address?

Email Francois Xavier Jean at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Francois Xavier Jean's email found in 2024.

What is Francois Xavier Jean phone number?

Francois Xavier Jean phone number is +85227418966.

How to contact Francois Xavier Jean?

To contact Francois Xavier Jean send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Francois Xavier Jean try calling on +85227418966.

What company does Francois Jean work for?


What is Francois Jean's role at PRESTIGE PACKAGING INDUSTRIES?

Francois Jean is Chief Executive Officer

What industry does Francois Jean work in?

Francois Jean works in the Printing industry.

Francois Jean Email Addresses

Francois Jean Phone Numbers

Francois Xavier Jean phone number is +85227418966.
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