About EducationSuperHighway

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Civic & Social Organization
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San Francisco, California, US
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EducationSuperHighway is a national non-profit with the mission to close the digital divide for the 18 million households that have access to the Internet but can't afford to connect. We focus on America's most unconnected communities, where more than 25% of people don't have Internet. From 2012-2020 we led the effort that closed the classroom connectivity gap. In 2013, only 10% of students had access to digital learning in their classrooms. Today, thanks to an unprecedented bi-partisan effort by federal, state, and school district leaders, supported by K-12 advocacy organizations, the classroom connectivity gap is closed - 47 million students are connected, and 99.3% of America's schools have a high-speed broadband connection.

EducationSuperHighway Alternatives

non-profit organization management
Civic & Social Organization
civic & social organization
civic & social organization
civic & social organization
civic & social organization
civic & social organization

Frequently Asked Questions about EducationSuperHighway

Who is the CEO of EducationSuperHighway?

Evan Marwell is the CEO of EducationSuperHighway. To contact Evan Marwell email at [email protected] or [email protected]. Or you may call +1.4154258610

Who are the decision makers in EducationSuperHighway?

The decision makers in EducationSuperHighway are Adeyinka O Ogunlegan, Andrew J, Denise Shephard, etc. Click to Find EducationSuperHighway decision makers emails.

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