About Asiatic Carpets Ltd

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Consumer Goods
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Eade Road, London, England N4, GB
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Asiatic Carpets is a world leader in fashion rugs, renowned for design and innovation, supplying major retailers in the UK and across the globe. Our success and growth are a reflection of our commitment to customer relationships, innovation in product & design, and a constant drive to deliver quality products at competitive prices.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Asiatic Carpets Ltd

Who is the CEO of Asiatic Carpets Ltd?

Sharon Kelaty is the CEO of Asiatic Carpets Ltd. To contact Sharon Kelaty email at [email protected].

Who are the decision makers in Asiatic Carpets Ltd?

The decision makers in Asiatic Carpets Ltd are Freddy Kelaty, Hayley T, Jeremy Nichols, etc. Click to Find Asiatic Carpets Ltd decision makers emails.

How can I contact Asiatic Carpets for inquiries about products?

You can reach out to Asiatic Carpets via the contact form on our website or by calling our customer service team. We are dedicated to assisting you with any product inquiries, whether you're interested in our contemporary, designer, or handknotted rugs.

Is there a staff directory available for contacting specific departments?

Yes, Asiatic Carpets provides a staff directory on our website. This directory includes contact information for various departments, allowing you to connect directly with the team members who can best assist you with your specific needs.

What industries does Asiatic Carpets serve?

Asiatic Carpets serves a diverse range of industries, including retail, hospitality, and interior design. Our innovative rug solutions cater to both commercial and residential sectors, ensuring that we meet the unique needs of each client.

Can I get assistance with dropshipping options?

Absolutely! Our team is well-versed in dropshipping services. If you're a retailer interested in our rugs, please contact us directly for detailed information on how we can support your dropshipping needs effectively.

What types of rugs does Asiatic Carpets specialize in?

Asiatic Carpets specializes in a variety of rugs, including acrylic, wool, handknotted, handtufted, and contemporary designs. Our commitment to quality and innovation ensures that you find the perfect rug for any space.

How can I provide feedback or suggestions to Asiatic Carpets?

We value customer feedback greatly. You can share your suggestions or experiences through our website's contact form or by emailing our customer service. Your insights help us improve our products and services.

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