About Matheny Medical and Educational Center

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Hospital & Health Care
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65 Highland Ave, PO Box 339, Peapack, NJ 07977, US
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Matheny’s mission is to provide exceptional care and an optimal quality of life for children and adults with special needs and medically complex developmental disabilities. Overview Matheny is a special hospital for children and adults with medically complex developmental disabilities . . . a special education school providing academics, combined with functional life skills, for students, ages 3-21 . . . and a comprehensive outpatient center meeting the health care needs of people with all types of disabilities in the community. Matheny also trains healthcare professionals, therapists and educators in how to work effectively with persons who have developmental disabilities. Matheny’s main campus in Peapack, NJ, is home to 100 children and adults with developmental disabilities. Its five group homes, located in Somerset and Warren counties, provide a residence in the community for an additional 30 adults. Many of the children and adults currently at Matheny, in addition to their primary diagnoses, have a long list of associated clinical conditions such as vision and hearing deficits, seizure disorders, mental retardation and dysphagia, with resulting aspiration problems. While the great majority of Matheny patients have cerebral palsy as their primary diagnoses, Matheny also has patients with spina bifida, Lesch-Nyhan Disease (LND) and a wide range of uncommon conditions including Rett syndrome, Angelman syndrome, Cornelia De Lange syndrome, Wolf-Hirshorn syndrome and 4Q Deletion syndrome. Lesch-Nyhan Disease is a rare x-linked recessive disorder associated with cognitive impairment, high levels of uric acid in the blood, kidney involvement and the hallmark symptom — severe and involuntary self-injurious behaviors. Matheny is recognized as the leading source of information on care issues regarding LND.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Matheny Medical and Educational Center

Who is the CEO of Matheny Medical And Educational Center?

Kendell Sprott is the CEO of Matheny Medical And Educational Center.

Who are the decision makers in Matheny Medical And Educational Center?

The decision makers in Matheny Medical And Educational Center are Allison Heller Ligori, Bill Kent, Catherine Church, etc. Click to Find Matheny Medical And Educational Center decision makers emails.

How can I contact Matheny Medical and Educational Center for inquiries about services?

You can reach Matheny Medical and Educational Center by calling their main office at (XXX) XXX-XXXX or by visiting their website at www.matheny.org. For specific inquiries, you may also find dedicated contact forms for various departments on their site.

Is there a directory of staff members available at Matheny?

Yes, Matheny provides a staff directory on their website, which includes key personnel across various departments. This directory can help you identify the right contact for your specific needs, whether related to healthcare, education, or administrative services.

What services does Matheny offer for children with special needs?

Matheny offers a range of specialized services for children with special needs, including speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and educational programs. Their goal is to enhance the quality of life for children with developmental disabilities through tailored care and support.

Can I find information on adult care services at Matheny?

Absolutely! Matheny provides adult day care services, group residences, and specialized medical care for adults with complex developmental disabilities. For detailed information, you can contact their adult services department directly or visit their website.

What types of therapies are available at Matheny?

Matheny offers various therapeutic services, including music therapy, recreational therapy, and fine arts therapy. These therapies are designed to support the emotional and physical well-being of individuals with special needs, enhancing their overall quality of life.

How can I get involved with Matheny or support its mission?

You can support Matheny by volunteering, donating, or participating in fundraising events. For more information on how to get involved, please visit their website or contact their development office directly for opportunities and upcoming events.

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