We're committed to the relentless pursuit of a world that works better for people.
Genpact is a global professional services firm delivering the outcomes that transform our clients' businesses and shape their future.
Our entrepreneurial, inclusive culture gives our 115,000+ global team the freedom and autonomy to experiment fearlessly, seize opportunities, and champion change. We turn vision into reality for our clients - including many in the Fortune Global 500 - by combining deep business and industry expertise with collaborative innovation and diverse perspectives. This commitment to innovation creates competitive advantages for our clients, including applying our Data-Tech-AI services to design, build, and transform their businesses.
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If you receive an email asking you to purchase a starter kit, equipment, or training, or to pay to apply for a role, you can assume that the message is a scam. For more information on careers at Genpact, please visit us at https://www.genpact.com/careers
10,001+ employees
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Management Consulting
1155, Avenue of the Americas, 4th Floor,, New York, NY 10036, US
Banking & Financial Services, Consumer Goods, Automotive, Retail, Hospitality, Aerospace, Chemical, Insurance, Energy, Telecom, Hi-Tech, Transport & Logistics, Capital Market, Transport & Logistics, Healthcare Provider, Healthcare Provider, Healthcare Payer, Life Science & Pharmaceuticals, Hospitality, Consumer Goods, Banking & Financial Services, Hi-Tech, Healthcare Payer, Business Consulting, Energý, Professional Serviçes, İnsurance, Automotive, Rétail, Aérospace, Telecom, Chemical, Capital Market, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transf
Jennie Fields is the CEO of Genpact. To contact Jennie Fields email at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. Or you may call 7145522534
The decision makers in Genpact are Ajoy Kumar, Aman Ullah, Jennie Fields, etc. Click to Find Genpact decision makers emails.
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