About F+B Hospitality Leasing Brokerage

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Real Estate
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2730 SW 3rd Ave, Miami, Florida, US
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It's not just searching the listings for your next location. At F+B we learn about your concept and need and use unique and prime locations to boost your chances at top performance. In addition to finding top real estate you will have access to consulting on sourcing additional capital, incite on average expenses and pros and cons of the area.

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Frequently Asked Questions about F+B Hospitality Leasing Brokerage

Who is the CEO of F+B Hospitality Leasing Brokerage?

Felix Bendersky is the CEO of F+B Hospitality Leasing Brokerage. To contact Felix Bendersky email at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. Or you may call (617) 733-7271

Who are the decision makers in F+B Hospitality Leasing Brokerage?

The decision makers in F+B Hospitality Leasing Brokerage are Christophe Muller, Felix Bendersky, James Digioia, etc. Click to Find F+B Hospitality Leasing Brokerage decision makers emails.

How can I contact F+B Hospitality Leasing for inquiries?

You can reach F+B Hospitality Leasing by visiting their website at www.fandbhospitalityleasing.com and using the contact form. Alternatively, you can call their office directly or email them for prompt assistance regarding your leasing needs.

Is there a directory of staff members available?

Yes, F+B Hospitality Leasing provides a staff directory on their website. This directory includes contact information and areas of expertise for each team member, allowing you to connect with the right person for your specific needs.

What industries does F+B Hospitality Leasing support?

F+B Hospitality Leasing specializes in the food and beverage sector, catering to restaurants, cafes, and bars. They also work with various commercial real estate clients, ensuring tailored solutions for each unique concept and location.

What services does F+B Hospitality Leasing offer?

F+B Hospitality Leasing offers comprehensive services including site selection, market analysis, and lease negotiation. Their focus is on understanding your business concept to find the best locations that enhance your operational performance.

Can I schedule a consultation with a staff member?

Absolutely! You can schedule a consultation by contacting F+B Hospitality Leasing through their website or by phone. They will arrange a meeting to discuss your specific needs and how they can assist you in finding the perfect location.

What should I prepare before contacting F+B Hospitality Leasing?

Before reaching out, it's helpful to have a clear understanding of your business concept, target market, and any specific location preferences. This information will enable the team to provide you with tailored solutions and recommendations.

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