Benj Rasalan Email & Phone Number

Benj Rasalan

Strategic Technical Account Manager at PandaDoc | Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines

Benj Rasalan Socials
About Benj Rasalan

Benj Rasalan currently serves as a Strategic Technical Account Manager at PandaDoc, where he leverages his extensive background in post-sales support and customer service to foster robust relationships with key clients. In this pivotal role, Benj is dedicated to understanding the unique technical requirements and business objectives of each client, ensuring that their needs are met with precision and care. His expertise in DSL, VoIP, and wireless technology allows him to effectively bridge the gap between clients and PandaDoc's technical team, facilitating seamless communication and project execution.

One of Benj's key projects involved the implementation of a tailored document automation solution for a major client, which not only streamlined their workflow but also enhanced their overall operational efficiency. By closely collaborating with both the client and internal stakeholders, he was able to identify pain points and deliver strategic insights that drove significant improvements in the client's document management processes.

Benj's skill set encompasses a wide range of areas, including project management, leadership, and regional marketing, which he utilizes to supervise departments and manage contact centers effectively. His commitment to customer service excellence and his ability to navigate complex networking environments make him an invaluable asset to both PandaDoc and its clients. As he continues to expand his expertise in the rapidly evolving tech landscape, Benj remains focused on delivering innovative solutions that empower clients to achieve their business goals.

Benj Rasalan Work
1 experience icon

Strategic Technical Account Manager at PandaDoc in October 2023 to Present

2 experience icon

APAC and EMEA Associate Manager at RingCentral in April 2019 to October 2022

3 experience icon

Team Lead at RingCentral in October 2014 to March 2019

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Benj Rasalan Education

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Benj Rasalan Skills

Customer Service


Managing Associates

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About Benj Rasalan's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Benj Rasalan

What is Benj Rasalan email address?

Email Benj Rasalan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Benj Rasalan's email found in 2025.

How to contact Benj Rasalan?

To contact Benj Rasalan send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. (updated on October 24, 2024)

What company does Benj Rasalan work for?

Benj Rasalan works for PandaDoc

What is Benj Rasalan's role at PandaDoc?

Benj Rasalan is Strategic Technical Account Manager

What is Benj Rasalan's Phone Number?

Benj Rasalan's phone (**) *** *** 485

What industry does Benj Rasalan work in?

Benj Rasalan works in the Media Production industry.

Benj Rasalan Email Addresses

Email Benj Rasalan at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Benj Rasalan's email found in 2025.

Benj Rasalan Phone Numbers

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