Atiq Rehman Email & Phone Number

Atiq Rehman

Head Of Design Department/Supply Chain at AL NASSER | Lahore District, Punjab, Pakistan

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About Atiq Rehman

Atiq-ur-Rehman serves as the Head of the Design Department and Supply Chain at AL NASSER, where he leverages his extensive expertise in fashion design to drive innovative apparel solutions. With a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of clothing design and development, Atiq is dedicated to creating high-quality garments that cater to diverse body types. His role encompasses overseeing the entire design process, from initial concept development to final production, ensuring that each piece not only meets aesthetic standards but also aligns with the functional needs of the end consumer.

At AL NASSER, Atiq has spearheaded several key projects that highlight his proficiency in pattern making, draping, and sewing. His ability to blend traditional craftsmanship with modern design techniques has resulted in collections that are both stylish and inclusive. By utilizing advanced illustration software and graphics tools, he effectively communicates his vision to the team, fostering a collaborative environment that encourages creativity and innovation.

In addition to his design responsibilities, Atiq plays a crucial role in optimizing the supply chain processes, ensuring that materials are sourced efficiently and sustainably. His strategic approach to supply chain management not only enhances the production timeline but also reduces costs, allowing AL NASSER to remain competitive in the fast-paced fashion industry. With a strong foundation in fashion design and a commitment to excellence, Atiq-ur-Rehman continues to make significant contributions to the growth and success of AL NASSER, positioning the brand as a leader in the market.

Atiq Rehman Work
1 experience icon

Head Of Design Department/Supply Chain at AL NASSER in February 2025 to Present

2 experience icon

Head Of Design Department at Tippitoes in February 2025 to February 2025

Atiq Rehman Education

Warnborough College (IADM) 2016, Bachelor's degree

Atiq Rehman Skills

Microsoft Office



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About Atiq Rehman's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Atiq Rehman

What company does Atiq Rehman work for?

Atiq Rehman works for AL NASSER

What is Atiq Rehman's role at AL NASSER?

Atiq Rehman is Head Of Design Department/Supply Chain

What is Atiq Rehman's personal email address?

Atiq Rehman's personal email address is at****[email protected]

What is Atiq Rehman's business email address?

Atiq Rehman's business email address is atiq.rehman@***.***

What is Atiq Rehman's Phone Number?

Atiq Rehman's phone +44 ** **** *258

What industry does Atiq Rehman work in?

Atiq Rehman works in the Apparel & Fashion industry.

Atiq Rehman Email Addresses

Atiq Rehman Phone Numbers

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