Armando Par Email & Phone Number

Armando Par

Freelance Illustrator/Graphic Designer - at 99designs | Metro Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines

Armando Par Socials
About Armando Par

Armando Par is a seasoned Freelance Illustrator and Graphic Designer at 99designs, where he leverages over 15 years of extensive experience in graphic design, print production, and product development. His specialization in digital illustrations and logo design allows him to create visually compelling content that drives growth and enhances brand identity for his clients. At 99designs, Armando has honed his skills in analyzing contest briefs, engaging in client collaborations, and submitting innovative designs across various categories, including packaging, book covers, t-shirts, and advertisements.

Armando's approach to design is marked by his adaptability and commitment to excellence. He thrives in dynamic environments, easily adjusting to the evolving needs of clients and the industry. His proficiency in tools such as InDesign and his expertise in layout and pre-press processes ensure that his designs not only meet but exceed client expectations. Additionally, his skills in storyboarding and character design allow him to create unique narratives that resonate with audiences.

A true team player, Armando values the importance of communication and collaboration. He actively engages with clients throughout the design process, providing timely responses and incorporating feedback to refine his work. His passion for teaching and learning further enhances his professional journey, as he continually seeks to expand his knowledge and share insights with others in the creative community. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to delivering high-quality graphic design services, Armando Par is dedicated to helping businesses achieve their goals through impactful visual storytelling.

Armando Par Work
1 experience icon

Freelance Illustrator/Graphic Designer - at 99designs in November 2016 to Present

2 experience icon

Freelance Graphic Designer/Illustrator at DesignCrowd in January 2010 to April 2021

3 experience icon

Graphic Designer at AsecAsia (now Personiv) in November 2008 to December 2010

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Armando Par Education

Panday Sining Arts & Study Center, Vocational Course, February 1995 to February 1997

Abada College, February 1980 to February 1985

Armando Par Skills


Brand Development

Packaging Design

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About Armando Par's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Armando Par

What is Armando Par email address?

Email Armando Par at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Armando Par's email found in 2025.

How to contact Armando Par?

To contact Armando Par send an email to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. (updated on October 24, 2024)

What company does Armando Par work for?

Armando Par works for 99designs

What is Armando Par's role at 99designs?

Armando Par is Freelance Illustrator/Graphic Designer -

What is Armando Par's Phone Number?

Armando Par's phone (**) *** *** 246

What industry does Armando Par work in?

Armando Par works in the Graphic Design industry.

Armando Par Email Addresses

Email Armando Par at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Armando Par's email found in 2025.

Armando Par Phone Numbers

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