Annie Wiesemann Email & Phone Number

Annie Wiesemann

Sales Representative at United States Cylinder Gas | Chicago, Illinois, United States

Annie Wiesemann Socials
About Annie Wiesemann

Annie Wiesemann is a dynamic Sales Representative at United States Cylinder Gas, where she leverages her extensive expertise to drive sales growth and foster strong relationships across a diverse customer base in the Chicagoland area. With a career dedicated to exceeding sales goals, Annie has become a pivotal figure in the company, which has been a trusted supplier of cylinder gases and related supplies since 1993. Her role involves not only identifying customer needs but also crafting tailored solutions that align with the unique demands of various industries, including medical, food, manufacturing, maintenance, and automotive sectors.

Annie's approach to sales is characterized by her ability to execute impactful marketing strategies that resonate with potential clients. She employs her strong interpersonal communication skills to engage effectively with stakeholders, ensuring that their requirements are met with precision. Her adeptness at negotiation allows her to lead the entire sales cycle, from initial contact to closing deals, while maintaining a focus on customer satisfaction and long-term partnerships.

Currently, Annie is spearheading key projects aimed at expanding market reach and enhancing service delivery. By utilizing her proficiency in Microsoft Office tools, she creates compelling presentations and reports that highlight sales performance and market trends, enabling informed decision-making. Her leadership qualities and public speaking skills further enhance her ability to represent United States Cylinder Gas at industry events and client meetings, solidifying her reputation as a knowledgeable and reliable sales professional. Through her commitment to excellence, Annie continues to contribute significantly to the growth and success of the organization.

Annie Wiesemann Work
1 experience icon

Sales Representative at United States Cylinder Gas in May 2020 to Present

2 experience icon

Inside Sales Associate / Client Care Concierge at Prestige Homes Real Estate - eXp Realty in May 2019 to March 2020

3 experience icon

Sales Manager at Half United in November 2018 to April 2019

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Annie Wiesemann Education

Marquette University, Bachelor of Arts - BA, January 2013 to January 2017

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, January 2016

Lyons Township High School District 204, High School Diploma, January 2009 to January 2013

Annie Wiesemann Skills

Interpersonal Communication

Microsoft Word

Microsoft PowerPoint

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About Annie Wiesemann's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Annie Wiesemann

What is Annie Wiesemann email address?

Email Annie Wiesemann at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Annie Wiesemann's email found in 2025.

How to contact Annie Wiesemann?

To contact Annie Wiesemann send an email to [email protected]. (updated on February 01, 2024)

What company does Annie Wiesemann work for?

Annie Wiesemann works for United States Cylinder Gas

What is Annie Wiesemann's role at United States Cylinder Gas?

Annie Wiesemann is Sales Representative

What is Annie Wiesemann's Phone Number?

Annie Wiesemann's phone (217) ***-*199

What industry does Annie Wiesemann work in?

Annie Wiesemann works in the Chemicals industry.

Annie Wiesemann Email Addresses

Email Annie Wiesemann at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Annie Wiesemann's email found in 2025.

Annie Wiesemann Phone Numbers

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