Wolfgang Reppe Email & Phone Number

Wolfgang Reppe

Firmeninhaber at Lichtlösung | Scharnitz, Tyrol, Austria

Wolfgang Reppe Socials
About Wolfgang Reppe

Wolfgang Reppe, as the Firmeninhaber and Geschäftsführer of Lichtlösung, has been at the forefront of innovative lighting solutions since founding the company in 2009. With a strategic vision that blends architectural aesthetics with cutting-edge technology, Wolfgang has positioned Lichtlösung as a leader in the lighting industry, particularly in the regions of Scharnitz and Neufahrn near Munich. His expertise in sales leadership and business development has been instrumental in driving the company's growth and establishing a strong market presence.

Under Wolfgang's guidance, Lichtlösung has undertaken several key projects that showcase its commitment to quality and innovation. These projects range from residential lighting designs that enhance living spaces to large-scale commercial installations that prioritize energy efficiency and sustainability. Wolfgang's ability to navigate the complexities of strategic planning and marketing strategy has enabled the company to adapt to the ever-evolving demands of the industry, ensuring that clients receive tailored solutions that meet their unique needs.

Wolfgang's entrepreneurial spirit is evident in his approach to new business development and start-ups, where he leverages his extensive network to foster partnerships that enhance Lichtlösung's service offerings. His leadership style emphasizes collaboration and creativity, encouraging his team to explore new ideas and technologies that push the boundaries of traditional lighting design. With a deep understanding of social networks and their impact on modern marketing, Wolfgang effectively engages with clients and stakeholders, ensuring that Lichtlösung remains at the cutting edge of the lighting solutions market.

Wolfgang Reppe Work
1 experience icon

Firmeninhaber at Lichtlösung in October 2009 to Present

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Geschäftsführer at Lichtlösung in October 2009 to Present

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Mit LED Erlebniswelten schaffen at Lichtlösung in October 2009 to Present

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Wolfgang Reppe Education

HTL Innsbruck, Matura, January 1992 to January 1996

HTL Innsbruck, Matura, January 1992 to January 1996

Wolfgang Reppe Skills

Licht und Architektur

Modulare LED-Lichtbandsysteme für Gewerbe und Industrie

Beleuchtungs Planung

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About Wolfgang Reppe's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Wolfgang Reppe

What is Wolfgang Reppe email address?

Email Wolfgang Reppe at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Wolfgang Reppe's email found in 2025.

What is Wolfgang Reppe phone number?

Wolfgang Reppe phone number is +43.6503008811.

How to contact Wolfgang Reppe?

To contact Wolfgang Reppe send an email to [email protected]. If you want to call Wolfgang Reppe try calling on +43.6503008811.

What company does Wolfgang Reppe work for?

Wolfgang Reppe works for Lichtlösung

What is Wolfgang Reppe's role at Lichtlösung?

Wolfgang Reppe is Firmeninhaber

What industry does Wolfgang Reppe work in?

Wolfgang Reppe works in the International Trade & Development industry.

Wolfgang Reppe Email Addresses

Email Wolfgang Reppe at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Wolfgang Reppe's email found in 2025.

Wolfgang Reppe Phone Numbers

Wolfgang Reppe phone number is +43.6503008811.
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