Steve Patterson Email & Phone Number

Steve Patterson

Show Host at DIRECTV | St Paul, Minnesota, United States

Steve Patterson Socials
About Steve Patterson

Steve Patterson is a dynamic television personality with over six years of experience in broadcasting, currently making waves as the host of "The REELZ Show" at DIRECTV. In this pivotal role, Steve not only captivates audiences with his engaging on-air presence but also plays a crucial part in the production process. His responsibilities extend beyond hosting; he is actively involved in writing scripts, segment producing, and providing voice-overs, showcasing his versatility and deep understanding of the entertainment landscape.

Prior to his current role, Steve honed his skills as a correspondent and anchor for the network's flagship program, "Hollywood Dailies." This position allowed him to conduct high-profile celebrity interviews both in the field and in-studio, where his strong interviewing skills and quick wit shone through. His ability to connect with guests and extract compelling stories has made him a favorite among viewers and industry professionals alike. Steve's commitment to thorough research and writing ensures that each segment resonates with audiences, creating the memorable "moments" that define successful television.

With a robust skill set that includes television producing, voice-over artistry, and a keen sense of comedy, Steve Patterson continues to elevate the standard of entertainment broadcasting. His natural comfort in the studio and ability to think on his feet allow him to navigate the fast-paced world of television with ease, making him an invaluable asset to the DIRECTV team and a trusted voice in the industry. As he continues to explore new projects and collaborations, Steve remains dedicated to delivering high-quality content that entertains and informs viewers across the nation.

Steve Patterson Work
1 experience icon

Show Host at DIRECTV in July 2012 to Present

2 experience icon

Entertainment Correspondent at The Hollywood Mix in June 2013 to June 2013

3 experience icon

Fill-In Entertainment Anchor at KTLA in May 2013 to May 2013

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Steve Patterson Education

Azusa Pacific University, Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Communication Studies with an emphasis in Media Studies, February 2025

Steve Patterson Skills

Strong Writing

Television Producing


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About Steve Patterson's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Steve Patterson

What is Steve Patterson email address?

Email Steve Patterson at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Steve Patterson's email found in 2025.

What is Steve Patterson phone number?

Steve Patterson phone number is 12405055561.

How to contact Steve Patterson?

To contact Steve Patterson send an email at [email protected] you want to call Steve Patterson try calling on 12405055561.

What company does Steve Patterson work for?

Steve Patterson works for DIRECTV

What is Steve Patterson's role at DIRECTV?

Steve Patterson is Show Host

What industry does Steve Patterson work in?

Steve Patterson works in the Broadcast Media industry.

Steve Patterson Email Addresses

Email Steve Patterson at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Steve Patterson's email found in 2025.

Steve Patterson Phone Numbers

Steve Patterson phone number is 12405055561.
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