Sharlotte Torres Email & Phone Number

Sharlotte Torres

Vice President Total Rewards at Mastercard | Mount Vernon, New York, United States

Sharlotte Torres Socials
About Sharlotte Torres

Sharlotte Torres serves as the Vice President of Total Rewards at Mastercard, where she is dedicated to creating innovative rewards solutions that empower employees to engage fully in their work. With a robust background in executive compensation, Sharlotte brings a unique perspective to the intersection of employee rewards, organizational performance, and shareholder interests. Her passion for building comprehensive rewards programs is evident in her commitment to aligning Mastercard's employee value proposition with competitive global market standards.

In her current role, Sharlotte leads the design and implementation of global total rewards strategies that not only attract and retain top talent but also reinforce the behaviors that drive superior business outcomes. She oversees the development of policies and principles that support a culture of high performance, ensuring that the rewards framework is both equitable and motivating. Her expertise in compensation structures, performance management, and human resources information systems (HRIS) allows her to craft tailored solutions that resonate with employees across diverse markets.

Key projects under Sharlotte's leadership include the integration of innovative compensation models that adapt to the evolving needs of the workforce, particularly in the wake of recent shifts towards flexible work arrangements. By leveraging data analytics and industry benchmarks, she ensures that Mastercard remains competitive in its total rewards offerings, fostering a workplace where employees can bring both their head and heart. Sharlotte's strategic vision and collaborative approach position her as a pivotal leader in driving Mastercard's commitment to employee engagement and organizational excellence.

Sharlotte Torres Work
1 experience icon

Vice President Total Rewards at Mastercard in January 2012 to Present

2 experience icon

Director Executive Compensation at Arrow Electronics in January 2010 to January 2012

3 experience icon

Director Executive Compensation at ADP in January 2007 to January 2009

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Sharlotte Torres Education

Iona College, Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Sharlotte Torres Skills

Incentive Programs

Executive Compensation

Global Compensation

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About Sharlotte Torres's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Sharlotte Torres

What is Sharlotte Torres email address?

Email Sharlotte Torres at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Sharlotte Torres's email found in 2025.

How to contact Sharlotte Torres?

To contact Sharlotte Torres send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Sharlotte Torres work for?

Sharlotte Torres works for Mastercard

What is Sharlotte Torres's role at Mastercard?

Sharlotte Torres is Vice President Total Rewards

What is Sharlotte Torres's Phone Number?

Sharlotte Torres's phone (212) ***-*811

What industry does Sharlotte Torres work in?

Sharlotte Torres works in the Human Resources industry.

Sharlotte Torres Email Addresses

Email Sharlotte Torres at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Sharlotte Torres's email found in 2025.

Sharlotte Torres Phone Numbers

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