Shabana Anjum Email & Phone Number

Shabana Anjum

Office Manager at Accsoft Business Solutions Inc. | Markham, Ontario, Canada

Shabana Anjum Socials
About Shabana Anjum

Shabana Anjum serves as the Office Manager at Accsoft Business Solutions Inc., where she plays a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless operation of the office environment. With a strong focus on accounts payable and receivable, Shabana expertly manages invoicing processes, ensuring timely and accurate financial transactions that contribute to the company's overall fiscal health. Her expertise extends to benefits administration, where she navigates complex employee benefits programs, ensuring that all team members receive the support they need to thrive.

In her role, Shabana is also responsible for managing customer software renewals, a critical function that not only enhances customer satisfaction but also fosters long-term relationships with clients. Her positive attitude and friendly demeanor make her an approachable point of contact for both clients and colleagues, facilitating effective communication and collaboration across departments.

Shabana's proficiency in Microsoft Office and financial reporting tools allows her to streamline office administration tasks, enhancing productivity and efficiency within the team. Her skills in social media and networking further enable her to engage with clients and stakeholders, promoting the company’s services and maintaining a strong online presence.

As she continues to develop her professional skills, Shabana remains committed to creating a positive work environment that encourages learning and growth. Her dedication to teamwork and customer satisfaction not only reflects her personal values but also aligns with Accsoft Business Solutions Inc.'s mission to deliver exceptional service and innovative solutions in the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Shabana Anjum Work
1 experience icon

Office Manager at Accsoft Business Solutions Inc. in February 2015 to Present

2 experience icon

Circulation Systems/Customer Service Rep. at Metroland Media Group in February 2005 to January 2013

Shabana Anjum Education

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, Immigration Consultant

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, Advanced Information Processing

University of Toronto, Associate's degree

Shabana Anjum Skills

Microsoft Office

Customer Service

Customer Satisfaction

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About Shabana Anjum's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Shabana Anjum

What is Shabana Anjum email address?

Email Shabana Anjum at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Shabana Anjum's email found in 2024.

How to contact Shabana Anjum?

To contact Shabana Anjum send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Shabana Anjum work for?

Shabana Anjum works for Accsoft Business Solutions Inc.

What is Shabana Anjum's role at Accsoft Business Solutions Inc.?

Shabana Anjum is Office Manager

What is Shabana Anjum's Phone Number?

Shabana Anjum's phone (416) ***-*139

What industry does Shabana Anjum work in?

Shabana Anjum works in the Publishing industry.

Shabana Anjum Email Addresses

Email Shabana Anjum at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Shabana Anjum's email found in 2024.

Shabana Anjum Phone Numbers

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