Ray Marmash Email & Phone Number

Ray Marmash

President and CEO at ARX Networks | Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Area

Ray Marmash Socials
About Ray Marmash

Ray Marmash, as President and CEO of ARX Networks, leverages over 25 years of experience in delivering business-driven technology solutions tailored to the unique needs of growing companies. Under his leadership, ARX Networks has positioned itself as a trusted partner for early-stage biopharma and medical device companies, aligning cutting-edge IT strategies with their operational goals. Ray has been instrumental in revamping IT support and operations procedures, ensuring that the company not only meets but exceeds the evolving demands of the industry.

One of Ray's key initiatives has been the implementation of robust IT governance frameworks that prioritize security compliance, business continuity, and preparedness. His expertise in network security and technical management enables ARX Networks to conduct thorough security reviews, safeguarding sensitive data while fostering trust with clients. Additionally, Ray excels in project management and strategic planning, guiding his team through complex vendor contract negotiations to secure the best resources for their clients.

Ray's proficiency in emerging technologies and IT service management empowers his team of engineers to innovate continuously, ensuring that ARX Networks remains at the forefront of industry advancements. His commitment to quality assurance processes has not only streamlined operations but also enhanced client satisfaction, solidifying ARX Networks' reputation as a leader in IT solutions for the biopharma and medical device sectors. With a focus on research and development, Ray Marmash is dedicated to driving growth and delivering exceptional value to clients, making him a pivotal figure in the technology landscape.

Ray Marmash Work
1 experience icon

President and CEO at ARX Networks in January 2001 to Present

2 experience icon

Information Technology Director at Start-up Resources in May 1998 to June 2000

3 experience icon

IT Director at AngioTrax Inc. in February 1996 to May 1998

Ray Marmash Skills

Research and Development (R&D)

Project Management


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About Ray Marmash's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Ray Marmash

What is Ray Marmash email address?

Email Ray Marmash at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ray Marmash's email found in 2025.

What is Ray Marmash phone number?

Ray Marmash phone number is +1.4086212454.

How to contact Ray Marmash?

To contact Ray Marmash send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Ray Marmash try calling on +1.4086212454. (updated on February 11, 2024)

What company does Ray Marmash work for?

Ray Marmash works for ARX Networks

What is Ray Marmash's role at ARX Networks?

Ray Marmash is President and CEO

What industry does Ray Marmash work in?

Ray Marmash works in the Information Technology & Services industry.

Ray Marmash Email Addresses

Email Ray Marmash at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Ray Marmash's email found in 2025.

Ray Marmash Phone Numbers

Ray Marmash phone number is +1.4086212454.
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