Pati Kelly Email & Phone Number

Pati Kelly

Recruiter at Egret Consulting | Greater Chicago Area

Pati Kelly Socials
About Pati Kelly

Pati Kelly is a seasoned recruiter at Egret Consulting, specializing in the electrical industry with a particular focus on wire and cable manufacturing. With extensive experience in sourcing top talent for utilities, building wire, industrial specialty wire, cable assemblies, harnesses, and connectors, Pati has established herself as a key player in connecting skilled professionals with leading companies in the sector. Her deep understanding of the commercial and industrial electrical distribution channels allows her to effectively match candidates with the specific needs of her clients, ensuring that both parties benefit from her expertise.

Currently, Pati is spearheading several key projects aimed at enhancing recruitment strategies within the electrical and electronic industries. By leveraging her skills in technical recruiting, account management, and B2B marketing, she has successfully developed targeted outreach programs that resonate with potential candidates. Her ability to forecast industry trends and understand the nuances of product development enables her to identify and attract high-caliber talent that aligns with the evolving demands of the market.

In addition to her recruitment efforts, Pati is also a thought leader in the industry, having contributed articles to prominent publications such as Wire and Cable. Her insights into market dynamics and talent acquisition strategies not only enhance her professional profile but also provide valuable resources for her peers and clients. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for connecting people with opportunities, Pati Kelly continues to make significant strides in the electrical industry, driving growth and innovation through strategic recruitment practices.

Pati Kelly Work
1 experience icon

Recruiter at Egret Consulting in May 2013 to Present

2 experience icon

Executive Vice President - Executive Recruiter at Egret Consulting in August 2023 to Present

3 experience icon

Sales Representative at PDI in October 2007 to April 2013

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Pati Kelly Education

Mississippi State University, Bachelor of Science (BS), January 1985 to January 1987

Mississippi State University, Bachelor of Arts (BA), January 1985 to January 1987

Pati Kelly Skills


Electrical Manufacturing


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About Pati Kelly's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Pati Kelly

What is Pati Kelly email address?

Email Pati Kelly at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Pati Kelly's email found in 2025.

What is Pati Kelly phone number?

Pati Kelly phone number is 847-307-7128.

How to contact Pati Kelly?

To contact Pati Kelly send an email to [email protected]. If you want to call Pati Kelly try calling on 847-307-7128.

What company does Pati Kelly work for?

Pati Kelly works for Egret Consulting

What is Pati Kelly's role at Egret Consulting?

Pati Kelly is Recruiter

What industry does Pati Kelly work in?

Pati Kelly works in the Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing industry.

Pati Kelly Email Addresses

Email Pati Kelly at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Pati Kelly's email found in 2025.

Pati Kelly Phone Numbers

Pati Kelly phone number is 847-307-7128.
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