Nicholas Ipsa Email & Phone Number

Nicholas Ipsa

Sewer at Northern Safari Army Navy LTD | Eau Claire, Wisconsin, United States

Nicholas Ipsa Socials
About Nicholas Ipsa

Nicholas Ipsa currently serves as a Sewer at Northern Safari Army Navy LTD, where he has become an integral part of the team through his dedication and expertise in textile craftsmanship. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for fashion illustration, Nicholas specializes in constructing and sewing high-quality dog collars and leashes, as well as sewing name tags and patches that meet the specific needs of military and outdoor enthusiasts. His innovative approach has led him to incorporate new sewing styles into the product line, enhancing both functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Nicholas's familiarity with various army textiles allows him to tailor tactical garments that are not only durable but also comfortable for the wearer. His training on embroidery machines has further expanded his skill set, enabling him to add intricate designs and personal touches to each piece he creates. Colleagues often commend him for his outgoing personality and collaborative spirit, making him a joy to work with in a fast-paced environment.

In addition to his technical skills in sewing and machine knitting, Nicholas is adept at creating specification packets that ensure quality and consistency across all products. His commitment to employee training reflects his desire to foster a supportive workplace culture, where knowledge sharing is encouraged. With a strong foundation in men’s fashion and a flair for knit design and application, Nicholas Ipsa continues to elevate the standards of craftsmanship at Northern Safari Army Navy LTD, contributing to the company’s reputation for excellence in the industry.

Nicholas Ipsa Work
1 experience icon

Sewer at Northern Safari Army Navy LTD in July 2015 to Present

2 experience icon

Stock Room Worker at Huebsch Services in June 2015 to June 2015

3 experience icon

Program Manager II at Aurora Community Services in September 2014 to May 2015

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Nicholas Ipsa Education

UW-Stout, Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Apparel Design and Development, February 2025

Nicholas Ipsa Skills

Fashion Illustration



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Frequently Asked Questions about Nicholas Ipsa

What company does Nicholas Ipsa work for?

Nicholas Ipsa works for Northern Safari Army Navy LTD

What is Nicholas Ipsa's role at Northern Safari Army Navy LTD?

Nicholas Ipsa is Sewer

What is Nicholas Ipsa's personal email address?

Nicholas Ipsa's personal email address is n****[email protected]

What is Nicholas Ipsa's business email address?

Nicholas Ipsa's business email address is nicholas.ipsa@***.***

What is Nicholas Ipsa's Phone Number?

Nicholas Ipsa's phone (414) ***-*159

What industry does Nicholas Ipsa work in?

Nicholas Ipsa works in the Apparel & Fashion industry.

Nicholas Ipsa Email Addresses

Nicholas Ipsa Phone Numbers

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