Nathan Woodard Email & Phone Number

Nathan Woodard

Store Manager at Merrell | Omaha, Nebraska, United States

Nathan Woodard Socials
About Nathan Woodard

Nathan Woodard is an accomplished Store Manager at Merrell, where he leverages his extensive experience in the retail industry to create a vibrant and efficient shopping environment. With a strong focus on merchandise planning and inventory management, Nathan has successfully driven results that not only enhance store performance but also elevate the overall customer experience. His expertise in multi-unit management allows him to implement best practices across various locations, ensuring consistency in operations and service excellence.

At Merrell, Nathan is not just a manager; he is a developer of people and a curator of beautiful stores. He believes that a well-trained team is the backbone of any successful retail operation. By fostering a culture of continuous learning and development, he empowers his staff to excel in customer service and sales, which in turn drives profitability. Nathan’s keen eye for merchandising ensures that the store layout is not only visually appealing but also strategically designed to optimize product placement and enhance customer engagement.

Key projects under Nathan's leadership include the implementation of innovative inventory management systems that streamline receiving processes and reduce stock discrepancies. His commitment to driving results is evident in the store’s impressive sales growth and customer satisfaction ratings. Nathan’s ability to blend operational efficiency with a passion for retail makes him a valuable asset to the Merrell team, where he continues to inspire both his colleagues and customers alike.

Nathan Woodard Work
1 experience icon

Store Manager at Merrell in November 2022 to Present

2 experience icon

Store Manager at Sperry in April 2021 to November 2022

3 experience icon

Assistant Store Manager at Merrell in September 2020 to April 2021

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Nathan Woodard Skills

Team Leadership

Succession Planning


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About Nathan Woodard's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Nathan Woodard

What is Nathan Woodard email address?

Email Nathan Woodard at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Nathan Woodard's email found in 2025.

What is Nathan Woodard phone number?

Nathan Woodard phone number is 402/202-9711.

How to contact Nathan Woodard?

To contact Nathan Woodard send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Nathan Woodard try calling on 402/202-9711.

What company does Nathan Woodard work for?

Nathan Woodard works for Merrell

What is Nathan Woodard's role at Merrell?

Nathan Woodard is Store Manager

What industry does Nathan Woodard work in?

Nathan Woodard works in the Retail industry.

Nathan Woodard Email Addresses

Email Nathan Woodard at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Nathan Woodard's email found in 2025.

Nathan Woodard Phone Numbers

Nathan Woodard phone number is 402/202-9711.
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