Nathan Green Email & Phone Number

Nathan Green

Co-founder, Chief Development Officer at Acadeum | Amherst, Massachusetts, United States

Nathan Green Socials
About Nathan Green

Nathan Green is a seasoned entrepreneur and executive whose expertise lies at the intersection of software implementation, business strategy, and market development. As a co-founder and the Chief Development Officer at Acadeum, Nathan plays a pivotal role in driving institutional and corporate client growth while expanding the company’s international footprint. Acadeum, formerly known as The College Consortium, is dedicated to transforming higher education by facilitating seamless inter-college collaboration through its innovative cross-enrollment platform. This platform empowers institutions to share online courses, ultimately enhancing student access to diverse learning opportunities and helping institutions achieve their educational goals.

In his current role, Nathan spearheads key projects aimed at optimizing the user experience for both students and partner institutions. His strategic vision has been instrumental in developing initiatives that not only enhance product offerings but also expand market reach. By leveraging his skills in business development, project planning, and IT strategy, Nathan has successfully cultivated partnerships that drive revenue growth and foster a collaborative educational ecosystem. His leadership in fundraising and budget management further underscores his commitment to sustainable growth and innovation within the higher education sector.

Nathan's extensive background in marketing and recruiting complements his role at Acadeum, enabling him to effectively communicate the value of the platform to potential members and stakeholders. As he continues to navigate the complexities of the education landscape, Nathan remains focused on delivering impactful solutions that meet the evolving needs of students and institutions alike, solidifying Acadeum's position as a leader in the field.

Nathan Green Work
1 experience icon

Co-founder, Chief Development Officer at Acadeum in August 2016 to Present

2 experience icon

Co-founder, Chief Development Officer (International and Northeast Accounts) at Acadeum in August 2016 to Present

3 experience icon

Vice President at SureScore in February 2013 to August 2016

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Nathan Green Education

Cornell University, BS, January 1994 to January 1997

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, January 1990 to January 1994

Nathan Green Skills



Business Development

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About Nathan Green's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Nathan Green

What is Nathan Green email address?

Email Nathan Green at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Nathan Green's email found in 2025.

What is Nathan Green phone number?

Nathan Green phone number is +1.9173091877.

How to contact Nathan Green?

To contact Nathan Green send an email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] you want to call Nathan Green try calling on +1.9173091877.

What company does Nathan Green work for?

Nathan Green works for Acadeum

What is Nathan Green's role at Acadeum?

Nathan Green is Co-founder, Chief Development Officer

What industry does Nathan Green work in?

Nathan Green works in the Executive Office industry.

Nathan Green Email Addresses

Email Nathan Green at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Nathan Green's email found in 2025.

Nathan Green Phone Numbers

Nathan Green phone number is +1.9173091877.
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