Monica Galiano Estrada Email & Phone Number

Monica Galiano Estrada

Cross-border Customer Service Manager at Bigbank | Tartu, Tartumaa, Estonia

Monica Galiano Estrada Socials
About Monica Galiano Estrada

Monica Galiano Estrada serves as the Cross-border Customer Service Manager at Bigbank, where she leverages her extensive background in translation and interpreting to enhance customer relationships across Germany and Austria. With over 20 years of experience, Monica has honed her expertise in customer service, ensuring that clients receive tailored support that meets their unique needs in the financial sector. Her role not only involves direct interaction with clients but also encompasses strategic initiatives aimed at improving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

At Bigbank, Monica is currently spearheading key projects that focus on optimizing customer relationship management (CRM) processes. By integrating advanced CRM tools and methodologies, she is working to streamline communication and enhance the overall customer experience. Her fluency in multiple languages, including French and German, allows her to bridge cultural gaps and foster strong connections with a diverse clientele.

Monica's commitment to excellence is further reflected in her skills in proofreading and editing, which ensure that all communications are clear and professional. Additionally, her background in early childhood education informs her approach to customer service, emphasizing patience and understanding in every interaction. As she continues to develop innovative strategies for cross-border service delivery, Monica remains dedicated to positioning Bigbank as a leader in customer-centric financial solutions in the European market. Through her efforts, she not only enhances the company's reputation but also contributes to the broader goal of creating a seamless banking experience for clients across borders.

Monica Galiano Estrada Work
1 experience icon

Cross-border Customer Service Manager at Bigbank in December 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Senior Transaction Processing Agent Register (TA) at RBC in August 2020 to August 2021

3 experience icon

Senior Bilingual Customer Contact Centre Representative at RBC in May 2020 to August 2020

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Monica Galiano Estrada Skills

Early Childhood Education


Legal Documents

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About Monica Galiano Estrada's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Monica Galiano Estrada

What is Monica Galiano Estrada email address?

Email Monica Galiano Estrada at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Monica Galiano Estrada's email found in 2025.

How to contact Monica Galiano Estrada?

To contact Monica Galiano Estrada send an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Monica Galiano Estrada work for?

Monica Galiano Estrada works for Bigbank

What is Monica Galiano Estrada's role at Bigbank?

Monica Galiano Estrada is Cross-border Customer Service Manager

What is Monica Galiano Estrada's Phone Number?

Monica Galiano Estrada's phone (**) *** *** 264

What industry does Monica Galiano Estrada work in?

Monica Galiano Estrada works in the Executive Office industry.

Monica Galiano Estrada Email Addresses

Email Monica Galiano Estrada at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Monica Galiano Estrada's email found in 2025.

Monica Galiano Estrada Phone Numbers

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