Mona Ghassemian Email & Phone Number

Mona Ghassemian

Senior research fellow- honorary position at King's College London | London, England, United Kingdom

Mona Ghassemian Socials
About Mona Ghassemian

Mona Ghassemian serves as a Senior Research Fellow at King’s College London, where she plays a pivotal role in advancing the field of mobile communication systems through her collaboration with the Centre for Telecommunications Research (CTR). With over two decades of experience in the telecommunications industry, Mona brings a wealth of expertise in strategic R&D, particularly in the burgeoning realm of 6G technologies. Her focus on vertical industry sectors positions her at the forefront of technological innovation, where she is dedicated to identifying and exploring key trends that will shape the future of mobile communications.

In her honorary position, Mona is actively engaged in fostering industry and academic research collaborations, bridging the gap between theoretical research and practical applications. Her leadership skills are instrumental in guiding multidisciplinary teams through complex projects, ensuring that innovative solutions are developed and implemented effectively. Her work often involves the integration of advanced robotics and haptic technologies, which are critical in enhancing user experience in mobile applications.

Mona’s technical proficiency extends to programming, data mining, and simulations, enabling her to tackle intricate challenges in the telecommunications landscape. As a lecturer, she is passionate about sharing her knowledge and insights with the next generation of engineers, inspiring them to push the boundaries of what is possible in mobile communication systems. Through her contributions at King’s College London, Mona Ghassemian is not only shaping the future of 6G technologies but also nurturing a vibrant academic environment that encourages innovation and collaboration.

Mona Ghassemian Work
1 experience icon

Senior research fellow- honorary position at King's College London in January 2008 to Present

2 experience icon

Chair at IEEE Region 8 (Europe, Middle East & Africa) in February 2024 to Present

3 experience icon

Principal Research Expert of 6G Research in Vertical Industry Sectors at Huawei in March 2022 to Present

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Mona Ghassemian Skills

Team Leadership

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Technological Innovation

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About Mona Ghassemian's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Mona Ghassemian

What is Mona Ghassemian email address?

Email Mona Ghassemian at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Mona Ghassemian's email found in 2025.

What is Mona Ghassemian phone number?

Mona Ghassemian phone number is 0013107746414, +44 7483 166406 and +44.07828250379.

How to contact Mona Ghassemian?

To contact Mona Ghassemian send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. If you want to call Mona Ghassemian try calling on 0013107746414, +44 7483 166406 and +44.07828250379.

What company does Mona Ghassemian work for?

Mona Ghassemian works for King's College London

What is Mona Ghassemian's role at King's College London?

Mona Ghassemian is Senior research fellow- honorary position

What industry does Mona Ghassemian work in?

Mona Ghassemian works in the Telecommunications industry.

Mona Ghassemian Email Addresses

Email Mona Ghassemian at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Mona Ghassemian's email found in 2025.

Mona Ghassemian Phone Numbers

Mona Ghassemian phone number is 0013107746414, +44 7483 166406 and +44.07828250379.
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