Mohammadreza Navid Email & Phone Number

Mohammadreza Navid

Group Vice President at Delta Dental Ins. | San Francisco Bay Area

Mohammadreza Navid Socials
About Mohammadreza Navid

As the Group Vice President at Delta Dental Insurance, Mohammadreza Navid leverages his extensive experience in the insurance industry to drive strategic initiatives that enhance the company’s market position. With a robust background in sales leadership, he oversees a dynamic team responsible for provider network development, ensuring that Delta Dental maintains a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving landscape. His expertise in business development and managed care allows him to introduce innovative products while effectively managing the existing portfolio to meet the diverse needs of commercial, government, and alliance clients.

Under Navid's guidance, Delta Dental has successfully launched several key projects aimed at expanding access to dental care and improving patient outcomes. His strategic approach to sales and marketing has not only facilitated the retention of existing business but has also opened new avenues for growth in untapped markets. Navid's proficiency in team building and leadership empowers his team to excel, fostering a culture of collaboration and high performance.

A graduate of the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business, Navid combines academic rigor with practical experience, making him a formidable force in the insurance sector. His skills in business strategy, workers compensation, and term life insurance further enhance his ability to navigate complex challenges and seize opportunities in a competitive marketplace. As he continues to shape the future of Delta Dental, Navid remains committed to delivering exceptional value to clients and stakeholders alike, ensuring that the company remains a leader in dental insurance solutions.

Mohammadreza Navid Work
1 experience icon

Group Vice President at Delta Dental Ins. in May 2017 to Present

2 experience icon

Vice President, Sales at Delta Dental Ins. in July 2006 to May 2017

3 experience icon

Principal at Mercer Health & Benefits in January 1996 to January 2006

Mohammadreza Navid Education

University of Southern California - Marshall School of Business, Finance, General

Mohammadreza Navid Skills

Team Leadership

Cross-functional Team Leadership

Network Development

See more

About Mohammadreza Navid's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Mohammadreza Navid

What is Mohammadreza Navid email address?

Email Mohammadreza Navid at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Mohammadreza Navid's email found in 2025.

How to contact Mohammadreza Navid?

To contact Mohammadreza Navid send an email at [email protected].

What company does Mohammadreza Navid work for?

Mohammadreza Navid works for Delta Dental Ins.

What is Mohammadreza Navid's role at Delta Dental Ins.?

Mohammadreza Navid is Group Vice President

What is Mohammadreza Navid's Phone Number?

Mohammadreza Navid's phone (**) *** *** 100

What industry does Mohammadreza Navid work in?

Mohammadreza Navid works in the Insurance industry.

Mohammadreza Navid Email Addresses

Email Mohammadreza Navid at [email protected]. This email is the most updated Mohammadreza Navid's email found in 2025.

Mohammadreza Navid Phone Numbers

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