Melanie Napolitano Email & Phone Number

Melanie Napolitano

Vice President Talent Acquisition at Ross Stores, Inc. | New York, New York, United States

Melanie Napolitano Socials
About Melanie Napolitano

Melanie Napolitano serves as the Vice President of Talent Acquisition at Ross Stores, Inc., where she plays a pivotal role in shaping the company’s workforce strategy. With a Bachelor of Business Administration in Management and a concentration in Human Resources from James Madison University, Melanie brings a wealth of expertise to her position. She is responsible for developing and implementing innovative talent acquisition strategies that align with the company's objectives, particularly within the buying, planning, and support teams.

Under her leadership, Melanie has successfully managed a dynamic team dedicated to identifying and delivering top talent across various levels, from entry-level positions to experienced hires. Her focus on workforce planning and organizational development ensures that Ross Stores not only attracts the right candidates but also fosters an inclusive and engaging onboarding experience. By leveraging her skills in recruiting and team building, Melanie has enhanced the efficiency of the hiring process, contributing to Ross's impressive fiscal performance, which reached $18.7 billion in 2022.

Melanie’s commitment to employee benefits and deferred compensation strategies further underscores her holistic approach to talent management. She understands that a well-rounded employee experience is essential for retention and engagement, and she actively collaborates with cross-functional teams to ensure that Ross Stores remains a competitive employer in the retail sector. With her strategic vision and hands-on leadership style, Melanie Napolitano continues to drive the success of Ross Stores’ talent acquisition efforts, positioning the company for sustained growth and excellence in the retail industry.

Melanie Napolitano Work
1 experience icon

Vice President Talent Acquisition at Ross Stores, Inc. in September 2017 to Present

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Operating Vice President of Talent Acquisition at Bloomingdale's in April 2015 to August 2017

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Director of Central Support Recruitment and Development at Bloomingdale's in June 2013 to April 2015

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Melanie Napolitano Education

James Madison University, BBA, January 1996 to January 2000

Melanie Napolitano Skills


Talent Acquisition


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About Melanie Napolitano's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Melanie Napolitano

What is Melanie Napolitano email address?

Email Melanie Napolitano at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Melanie Napolitano's email found in 2025.

How to contact Melanie Napolitano?

To contact Melanie Napolitano send an email at [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Melanie Napolitano work for?

Melanie Napolitano works for Ross Stores, Inc.

What is Melanie Napolitano's role at Ross Stores, Inc.?

Melanie Napolitano is Vice President Talent Acquisition

What is Melanie Napolitano's Phone Number?

Melanie Napolitano's phone (212) ***-*368

What industry does Melanie Napolitano work in?

Melanie Napolitano works in the Retail industry.

Melanie Napolitano Email Addresses

Email Melanie Napolitano at [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Melanie Napolitano's email found in 2025.

Melanie Napolitano Phone Numbers

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