Kathy Cacciola Email & Phone Number

Kathy Cacciola

Global Sustainability Lead, Food Program at Google | United States

Kathy Cacciola Socials
About Kathy Cacciola

Kathy Cacciola serves as the Global Sustainability Lead for Google’s Food Program, where she is at the forefront of integrating sustainability into the company’s food and beverage operations worldwide. With over 17 years of diverse experience in sustainability, Kathy excels in aligning critical environmental and social issues with business strategies that enhance operational performance and brand value. Her role involves leading cross-functional teams to develop and implement innovative sustainability initiatives that resonate with employees, consumers, and stakeholders alike.

Under Kathy's leadership, the Food Program has embarked on several key projects aimed at reducing the environmental impact of food sourcing and consumption. This includes initiatives focused on minimizing food waste, promoting plant-based options, and ensuring responsible sourcing practices that support local and sustainable agriculture. By collaborating with a vast network of global, regional, and national food service providers, Kathy drives the adoption of best practices that not only meet Google's sustainability goals but also set industry benchmarks.

Kathy's expertise extends beyond operational management; she is adept at policy analysis and community outreach, leveraging her skills to foster partnerships with NGOs and other organizations dedicated to sustainability. Her commitment to data-driven decision-making ensures that all sustainability programs are measurable and aligned with Google’s broader corporate social responsibility objectives. As a champion for sustainability, Kathy Cacciola continues to inspire change within the food industry, demonstrating that sustainable practices can lead to enhanced brand loyalty and operational efficiency.

Kathy Cacciola Work
1 experience icon

Global Sustainability Lead, Food Program at Google in December 2021 to Present

2 experience icon

Vice President, Enterprise Sustainability / ESG (environmental, social, governance) at Aramark in November 2018 to November 2021

3 experience icon

Senior Director, Environmental Sustainability, Public Affairs at Aramark in August 2010 to October 2018

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Kathy Cacciola Skills

Corporate Social Responsibility



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About Kathy Cacciola's Current Company
Frequently Asked Questions about Kathy Cacciola

What is Kathy Cacciola email address?

Email Kathy Cacciola at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Kathy Cacciola's email found in 2025.

How to contact Kathy Cacciola?

To contact Kathy Cacciola send an email at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected].

What company does Kathy Cacciola work for?

Kathy Cacciola works for Google

What is Kathy Cacciola's role at Google?

Kathy Cacciola is Global Sustainability Lead, Food Program

What is Kathy Cacciola's Phone Number?

Kathy Cacciola's phone (***) ***-*424

What industry does Kathy Cacciola work in?

Kathy Cacciola works in the Food & Beverages industry.

Kathy Cacciola Email Addresses

Email Kathy Cacciola at [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]. This email is the most updated Kathy Cacciola's email found in 2025.

Kathy Cacciola Phone Numbers

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